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Forums - Sony Discussion - From what i heard resistance 2 is best first person shooter this year.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Yeah. It is. Easily.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

Having Played Left 4 dead,COD WAW,And Resistance 2....its pretty close between left 4 dead and R2.....but resistance 2 has a better single player than the others and left 4 dead is really only fun with co op. Resistnce 2 wins. it is incredible.All the people saying its not,just have horrible taste in games.or just flat out havent played it.



Damstr8 said:
Having Played Left 4 dead,COD WAW,And Resistance 2....its pretty close between left 4 dead, And R2.....but resistance 2 has a better single player than the others and left 4 dead is really only fun with co op.


R2 has awesome single player, awesome online, and by far one of the best co-op.

FPSrules said:
dallascowboysfan101 said:

I heard that resistance 2 is best fps this year. Do you think so


Resistance 2 WON 2 awards at E3. they are E3 2008 Best FPS, and E3 Best Online awards. All FPS presented at E3 were eligible for the award such as CODWAW and Far cry 2, as for the online there was a ton of competition such as Spore, Gears, CODwaw, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone, and much more.


it is the best FPS this year, and there are plenty of reasons why, the diverstiy of the enemies, the scale of the maps and enemies, the creative weapons/tools at your disposal, a deep long story line, and much more. Lets not forget the 8 player co-op and 60 (yes 60) player online, 30 VS 30 is sick.

GTA 4 was lots of awards and recieved better awards,does that mean its better than R2?????


and 60 playe online is good for console but its really old :p


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leo-j said:
Acevil said:
leo-j said:
I honestly dont care about my post history, but my opinion is that R2 is a better game than any other FPS released this year, why dont you play it instead of trying to insult me?


 I have played it, nothing that would cater to my interests. Also if you discredit another user, and I discredit you? It is trying  to show that you both present a strong bias towards the games you love.

I agree I present strong bias as well time to time.


So you have played Resistance 2? When was this?

One of my friends is a huge ps3 fanboy, well ps3 fan. Played it with him, not enough but enough to tell me that I shouldn't buy at full price. I regret buying gears of war 2 at full price....god should have waited. Hell besides fallout 3 and Left 4 dead, I regret buying any shooter at full price.

Also played LBP, I liked the Coop in that game, might pick it up on boxing day if I have money left over. I really hate JRPGs for eating my money.

PS: I have not played Gears of War 2, but if it is anything like Gears of War, I know I will regret it.


Smashed said:
Damstr8 said:
Having Played Left 4 dead,COD WAW,And Resistance 2....its pretty close between left 4 dead, And R2.....but resistance 2 has a better single player than the others and left 4 dead is really only fun with co op.


R2 has awesome single player, awesome online, and by far one of the best co-op.

exactly why its better :) Has a complete (and awesome) package.




It seems that L4D is the only other argument people are putting out there. Its a good game but not a complete conventional FPS with Co-op being the main draw rather than a feature where as with R2 its the other way around with focus on Singleplayer and competitve matches and CO-op being a Feature. But what puts it over the top is that R2's co-op (8-players more 61 missions) is bigger then L4 co-op (4 player 20 missions) and it isn't even the main draw of the game.

Also lets not forget the leveling up class system in R2 Co-op making it worth playing for a LONG amount of time.
I have a level 14 medic and have plan on getting all 3 classes to level 30.

IMO, and having the expertise of playing FPS for over a decade now, none of the FPS are top notch. Again, IMO, out the bunch, Far Cry 2 is the best....but not by much, R2,L4D,and COD: WAW are all very good games.


With that said, however, I think for $60.00.  Resistance 2 offers more content than any of the others.

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