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Forums - Sony Discussion - The yellowish-greenish line of death.

 Ok, so here is what happened on that evening of November 28, 2008, " Let me go improve my players before i play real madrid." I press square. I'm about to improve victor valdes's traits, when suddenly, it turns off. The line flashes a greenish-yellowish color, then switches to a red flashing color. That is what happened on that evening of November 28, 2008.


I wanted to Know if any of u know what happened to my PS3. Should i call sony? Would they repair it and give me the same 60GB PS3 or would they give me a crappy new model? Would i lose the data on my hard drive?

Every time i try to turn on my PS3, the light turns its usual green color, and about a second or two later, it turns greenis-yellowish, then it flashes red continuously. What in the world happened to my PS3?



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I heard you have a backup option for such situations in your PS3. But maybe just wait until the SSF (Sony Support Force) will enter your thread

Sucks , Maybe overheated? call Sony, ESP if your still in warranty.

Oh yea, i forgot to add, its been over a year since i got the PS3, so i dont think im still in warranty!



Call Sony they'll replace it (if you got it during the launch period, they'll replace it for free), take out your harddrive, they'll give you a refurbed version of the same model, so you'll keep the BC, then put your old HDD into your new PS3.

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Early November it happened to me. Yellow light then flashes red. I rang Sony they did a troubleshoot over the phone. In the end it was due to a hard drive crash. They said my warranty was up, but they asked for the serial number off the back and then they said because it was bought on launch they would replace it.
A guy showed up from DPD with a refurb PS3 and swapped it for mine. Phew.
I was watching 24 on dvd and now i have to wait till I get it posted back.


Hard drive failure...happened to my 60g model, replaced with a 40g as they had no more 60gs left

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

so ur telling me thers no point in keeping the hard drive cause it crashed?!?!?! that pisses me off!!!



WHAT!!!! so im gonna get one of the cheap models because they have no 60GB PS3's left?!?!



It's not necessarily a hdd failure. That lightsimply means that something has gone wrong with the hardware, and that thing that went wrong could be anywhere in the console.

They replaced mine with a 60gb, but that was around late-July time. I don't know when Stubbsy got his replaced.