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 Ok, so here is what happened on that evening of November 28, 2008, " Let me go improve my players before i play real madrid." I press square. I'm about to improve victor valdes's traits, when suddenly, it turns off. The line flashes a greenish-yellowish color, then switches to a red flashing color. That is what happened on that evening of November 28, 2008.


I wanted to Know if any of u know what happened to my PS3. Should i call sony? Would they repair it and give me the same 60GB PS3 or would they give me a crappy new model? Would i lose the data on my hard drive?

Every time i try to turn on my PS3, the light turns its usual green color, and about a second or two later, it turns greenis-yellowish, then it flashes red continuously. What in the world happened to my PS3?