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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA sends virus with their game

jlauro said:
I hope this helps teach publishers that DRM is more trouble then it's worth. The few companies that have sold games without any DRM or copy protection have proven that games sell just as well without the junk.


Look up the piracy rate of World of Goo and then try to tell me that again

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ironically, this is posted by the user who happens to have a PS3 as image (ie Sony with its rootkit drm and viruses a couple of years ago)

Why did you post this? This issue came up months ago.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I'm also glad I gave Spore a miss....... I was tempted briefly but got over it.

Users of have given a clear answer concerning this issue:

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Khuutra said:
jlauro said:
I hope this helps teach publishers that DRM is more trouble then it's worth. The few companies that have sold games without any DRM or copy protection have proven that games sell just as well without the junk.


Look up the piracy rate of World of Goo and then try to tell me that again


From the World of Goo developers' blog-


this [the 90% piracy rate] is in line with a previous estimate by russell carroll (director of marketing at reflexive) for the game ricochet infinity.  russell estimated a 92% piracy rate and i found his analysis quite interesting (check it out here if you’re curious).  one thing that really jumped out at me was his estimate that preventing 1000 piracy attempts results in only a single additional sale.  this supports our intuitive assessment that people who pirate our game aren’t people who would have purchased it had they not been able to get it without paying.

in our case, we might have even converted more than 1 in a 1000 pirates into legit purchases.  either way, ricochet shipped with DRM, world of goo shipped without it, and there seems to be no difference in the outcomes.  we can’t draw any conclusions based on two data points, but i’m hoping that others will release information about piracy rates so that everyone could see if DRM is the waste of time and money that we think it is.


EA's DRM is there to kill the second hand market, it makes absolutely no difference to piracy.


^ That's interesting. I have been saying for a long time that that is the way. Not just with Videogames but with Movies and Music too. People who used to record songs off the radio more/less wouldn't have spent $13 for an album when they only waanted one or two songs (nowadays $20).

Also, on the subject of Music, sales went down when they upped the cost 6-7 bucks a CD, gee it must've been napster's fault /facepalm

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Mudface said:
Khuutra said:
jlauro said:
I hope this helps teach publishers that DRM is more trouble then it's worth. The few companies that have sold games without any DRM or copy protection have proven that games sell just as well without the junk.


Look up the piracy rate of World of Goo and then try to tell me that again


From the World of Goo developers' blog-


this [the 90% piracy rate] is in line with a previous estimate by russell carroll (director of marketing at reflexive) for the game ricochet infinity.  russell estimated a 92% piracy rate and i found his analysis quite interesting (check it out here if you’re curious).  one thing that really jumped out at me was his estimate that preventing 1000 piracy attempts results in only a single additional sale.  this supports our intuitive assessment that people who pirate our game aren’t people who would have purchased it had they not been able to get it without paying.

in our case, we might have even converted more than 1 in a 1000 pirates into legit purchases.  either way, ricochet shipped with DRM, world of goo shipped without it, and there seems to be no difference in the outcomes.  we can’t draw any conclusions based on two data points, but i’m hoping that others will release information about piracy rates so that everyone could see if DRM is the waste of time and money that we think it is.


EA's DRM is there to kill the second hand market, it makes absolutely no difference to piracy.


Anyway, people that have the game on PC are more likely to get it on the Wii. Well, I suppose. I should get it myself... for the Wii of course.


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