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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit is it even worth the hype and wait?

Tuulikk said:
yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:
I HOPE SO... But then even some third parties are anticipating this. SEGA and Namco Bandai was one of them. There'll be a big turnaround this coming year, if not then whats these overwhelming sales of the Wiis? Dont tell me that those Wiis sold are just for casuals.

But still... I think HVS shouldnt be overconfident that somehow they can sell The Conduit to be over a million in course of the year like Halo and Gears did. Unless they have new things that added to make the game special.


Some people buys Wii for core games, Nintendo games, because everyone does it and then don't play on it, for Wii Fit, for party games, for other casual games, for their kids and so on.What happens then and when is the interesting thing.


Now I must sleep, my brain is shutting down. :) I'll write more when I wake up! Thanks for the discussion!



 38 million Wii owners so far are mostly casuals? Naah... Impossible. Ninty could cater the casuals for how long, but it doesnt mean that most Wii owners are core gamers either. I think wii userbase are divided right now, thats why some core games and casual games have legs and not fronloaded. As term stof used endloaded. So it only means that The conduit will not have frontloaded week sales but definitely not become flopped and have decent sales.



Haha. :) The Casuals part was hust a joke. The rest of my post is what I ment. :)

LOL so thats what you meant. Anyway, so whats your prediction on sales of The Conduit on its forst week? For me, its 60,000 in US alone. 40,000 on the others...


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Around the Network
yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:
I HOPE SO... But then even some third parties are anticipating this. SEGA and Namco Bandai was one of them. There'll be a big turnaround this coming year, if not then whats these overwhelming sales of the Wiis? Dont tell me that those Wiis sold are just for casuals.

But still... I think HVS shouldnt be overconfident that somehow they can sell The Conduit to be over a million in course of the year like Halo and Gears did. Unless they have new things that added to make the game special.


Some people buys Wii for core games, Nintendo games, because everyone does it and then don't play on it, for Wii Fit, for party games, for other casual games, for their kids and so on.What happens then and when is the interesting thing.


Now I must sleep, my brain is shutting down. :) I'll write more when I wake up! Thanks for the discussion!



 38 million Wii owners so far are mostly casuals? Naah... Impossible. Ninty could cater the casuals for how long, but it doesnt mean that most Wii owners are core gamers either. I think wii userbase are divided right now, thats why some core games and casual games have legs and not fronloaded. As term stof used endloaded. So it only means that The conduit will not have frontloaded week sales but definitely not become flopped and have decent sales.



Haha. :) The Casuals part was hust a joke. The rest of my post is what I ment. :)

LOL so thats what you meant. Anyway, so whats your prediction on sales of The Conduit on its forst week? For me, its 60,000 in US alone. 40,000 on the others...




Not easy, being Wii it could start low and get higher second week or something. If The Conduit would release now I think it would start at 28 000 to 48 000 in America and 14 000 to 28 000 in Others. Pretty much +/- CoD WAW. But as current FPS games get sold and the Wii market expands, The Conduit will have a bigger cake.

So Anywhare between 38 000 to 110 000 in America and 16 000 to 58 000 in Other. Possible even more if Wii is at over 50m and many core games selling well when The Conduit comes out.

Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

LOL so thats what you meant. Anyway, so whats your prediction on sales of The Conduit on its forst week? For me, its 60,000 in US alone. 40,000 on the others...




Not easy, being Wii it could start low and get higher second week or something. If The Conduit would release now I think it would start at 28 000 to 48 000 in America and 14 000 to 28 000 in Others. Pretty much +/- CoD WAW. But as current FPS games get sold and the Wii market expands, The Conduit will have a bigger cake.

So Anywhare between 38 000 to 110 000 in America and 16 000 to 58 000 in Other. Possible even more if Wii is at over 50m and many core games selling well when The Conduit comes out.

I think ANY GAME can sell for a profit if the Wii's userbase would hit 50 million. And third parties will not be afraid to develop games for the Wii. Which means The Conduit could have a competition in the coming months once The Conduit comes out, especially when third parties knew that these kind of game selling well. Thats my opinion though...


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

LOL so thats what you meant. Anyway, so whats your prediction on sales of The Conduit on its forst week? For me, its 60,000 in US alone. 40,000 on the others...




Not easy, being Wii it could start low and get higher second week or something. If The Conduit would release now I think it would start at 28 000 to 48 000 in America and 14 000 to 28 000 in Others. Pretty much +/- CoD WAW. But as current FPS games get sold and the Wii market expands, The Conduit will have a bigger cake.

So Anywhare between 38 000 to 110 000 in America and 16 000 to 58 000 in Other. Possible even more if Wii is at over 50m and many core games selling well when The Conduit comes out.

I think ANY GAME can sell for a profit if the Wii's userbase would hit 50 million. And third parties will not be afraid to develop games for the Wii. Which means The Conduit could have a competition in the coming months once The Conduit comes out, especially when third parties knew that these kind of game selling well. Thats my opinion though...


Good opinion. Wii at 50+ million should be a market for all kinds of game prospering. Maybe core games won't have as high sales as they did on PS1 and PS2 at this level, but many games should be able to brake 1m and even more profit.

If we look at game database here on VGC, top 50 Wii - we can already see that all of the games on top 50 is on the way to sell a million, kinda. Games that falter will first be replaced by Animal Crossing and Guitar Hero: World Tour, and then other games like Rock Band and more. 51-100 in the Wii database looks good to. So many games coming up to 600k, 500k and 400k. My faith for core games and games in general on Wii grows for every week now.

But a few core games has to sell over 600k before I truly start beliving in the Core market for Wii. But it does look better and better for Conduit each week!

Which means at that time COD WAW could sell 1 million at that time. Or even MOH: H2 for that matter... So theres a big chance that The Conduit could sell a million too when the trend continues...

There are still 400 playing MOH: H2 online everyday. I didnt play MOH: H2 anymore but there are people saying there are still people playing MOH: H2 online.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Around the Network
yushire said:
Which means at that time COD WAW could sell 1 million at that time. Or even MOH: H2 for that matter... So theres a big chance that The Conduit could sell a million too when the trend continues...

There are still 400 playing MOH: H2 online everyday. I didnt play MOH: H2 anymore but there are people saying there are still people playing MOH: H2 online.

CoD WAW yes, but I don't think MOH: H2. CoD WAW is new and strong and started out at a stronger installbase that is still growing and around probably the strongest Christmas for Wii yet. MOH: H2 is old and maybe almost dead (in sales). But maybe it has sold good in Europe and still selling small numbers. Still I don't think it can sell a million.


LOL the one game that sells more in Europe its COD WAW and not MOH: H2, since there are some parts in Europe and Australia that have no online in MOH: H2. So the game rarely sells in Europe

But the MOH:H2 thingy was only my hunch though, its not even based on any fact or opinion just my hunch :)

Especially that most MOH: H2 veterans are switching to COD WAW. Most of the MOH: H2 online players are noobs right now.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

yushire said:
Resident_Hazard said:
yushire said:

OK since The Conduit will be released on May is it even worth the wait? Even with games coming out on the system? Some people thinks that this game will be the trendsetter as far as Wii core gaming goes especially with the 3rd parties. But to tell you all honestly, its not even close SURE its an awesome game but its not as expected it to be. Im just posting this for anyone who still expecting much of this title, the 3rd party quality titles already proven, Monster Hunter 3, fragile, House of the Dead Overkill, marvelous titles, Skate it, Shaun White snowboarding, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, etc... so whats HVS tries to prove?

If this is the first good FPS title on the system I can agree with it, but a core title?!!

I dunno, I just hope no one will be disappointed about this if its just a average shooter with great graphics on the Wii and good motion controls. But I'm waiting more on Madworld and Fragile than this title. Half Life series was still the best FPS game to me.  I cant say about Goldeneye 64 because I didnt played it yet...


Is this thread a joke?  First off, Monster Hunter 3, Fragile, HotD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures, and upcoming Marvelous titles are not proven games, neither in quality, sales, nor gameplay. 

There's also no way to tell just how good, bad, surprising, or disappointing The Conduit will or won't be.  Is it worth the wait?  You're going to have to wait to get your answer on that!

The Conduit will not be an average shooter.  Simply being on the Wii will guarantee that.  But it's being built with a lot of influence from standard shooters, and let's hope that it's standard enough to be playable.  We don't want stupid crap like waggle put in place to make the character jump, or stupid unreadable forward-back movements with the Wiimote.  It'll be a hard sell simply because there are too many of the following two types of gamers on the Wii:  Blue Ocean n00bs who won't care and Nintendo fanboys who only ever want the latest Nintendo product, even if it is just more Mario Party trite or yet another release of Ocarina of Time.  It will be average in a lot of ways, but hopefully different enough to get noticed.  It's graphics alone are getting it a whole mess of attention.  Let's hope the atmosphere and gameplay match.  Then again, average, unevolved gameplay is one of the things reviewers these days crave.  Look at the high review scores for GTA4 and Soul Calibur IV.  The game mustn't be too different if it's to succeed on a large scale.

That said, the Wii needs this game.  It's a system-necessary genre these days.

During the 16-bit era and leading into the 32/64-bit era, every console/console maker needed it's signature platformer, signature RPG, and signature fighter.  Sega had Sonic, Phantasy Star & Shining, and Virtua Fighter.  Nintendo had Mario, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Killer Instinct.

During the 2nd generation, every company needed it's signature arcade hit or port thereof.  Coleco had Donkey Kong, for instance.  Atari had Space Invaders.

During the 8-bit (3rd Generation) years, it was platformers.  Nintendo had Mario, NEC had Bonk, Sega had Wonder Boy.

These games were killer apps that sold the systems.  Especially killer apps in specific popular-for-the-time genres.  These days, the sci-fi FPS rules the roost.  Mostly because everything else is multiplatform these days.  Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat are all multi-platform.  Only Smash Bros and Killer Instinct (if rumors of it's revival are true) will be truly single-platform titles.  Microsoft has Halo, Sony has Resistance, and Nintendo has nothing.  The Wii needs The Conduit to fill this "AAA popular genre" void and make the Wii more relevant to the mythical hardcore gamers who are still hold-outs for buying a Wii.


I see you beating a dead horse here, but if those games you mentioned are proven either by quality or sales can I reply to this post? I think I definitely will...

Anyway, thats all for now.




I don't think you understand the term "beating a dead horse."  That would require redundancy.

Now, I don't doubt that Monster Hunter 3 will be somewhat successful--at least in Japan.  But elsewhere, it likely won't light up the world of too many gamers.

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Me on the other hand?  I've grown tired of Nintendo's unevolved, unpolished, lackluster 1st party efforts as of late.  I am now, and have generally always been, a huge fan of the 3rd party works on the systems.

Resident_Hazard said:
yushire said:

I see you beating a dead horse here, but if those games you mentioned are proven either by quality or sales can I reply to this post? I think I definitely will...

Anyway, thats all for now.




I don't think you understand the term "beating a dead horse."  That would require redundancy.

Now, I don't doubt that Monster Hunter 3 will be somewhat successful--at least in Japan.  But elsewhere, it likely won't light up the world of too many gamers.

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Me on the other hand?  I've grown tired of Nintendo's unevolved, unpolished, lackluster 1st party efforts as of late.  I am now, and have generally always been, a huge fan of the 3rd party works on the systems.


Prasing and hyping The Conduit and saying the game will be the turning point when 3rd party core games on the Wii is concerned was redundant. You said it yourself...

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Like I said, it will be turned out to be a average shooter with multiplayer and CTF. And 16 players online, but serioulsy thats it. Sure it have good graphics but what did it add to the Wii? What this game will the Wii turned out to become special?

Im more hype and excited if Infinity Ward will make a Call of Duty exclusive title on the Wii and Valve make a Wii game than to wait on this game. I know Im gonna buy this anyway, but this title is not worthy of first day purchase

As for your post, what can you expect? Its Nintendo console after all, of course their games will sell more than 3rd parties. And since theyre also a game developer and publisher WHY NOT?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

yushire said:
Resident_Hazard said:
yushire said:

I see you beating a dead horse here, but if those games you mentioned are proven either by quality or sales can I reply to this post? I think I definitely will...

Anyway, thats all for now.




I don't think you understand the term "beating a dead horse."  That would require redundancy.

Now, I don't doubt that Monster Hunter 3 will be somewhat successful--at least in Japan.  But elsewhere, it likely won't light up the world of too many gamers.

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Me on the other hand?  I've grown tired of Nintendo's unevolved, unpolished, lackluster 1st party efforts as of late.  I am now, and have generally always been, a huge fan of the 3rd party works on the systems.


Prasing and hyping The Conduit and saying the game will be the turning point when 3rd party core games on the Wii is concerned was redundant. You said it yourself...

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Like I said, it will be turned out to be a average shooter with multiplayer and CTF. And 16 players online, but serioulsy thats it. Sure it have good graphics but what did it add to the Wii? What this game will the Wii turned out to become special?

Im more hype and excited if Infinity Ward will make a Call of Duty exclusive title on the Wii and Valve make a Wii game than to wait on this game. I know Im gonna buy this anyway, but this title is not worthy of first day purchase

As for your post, what can you expect? Its Nintendo console after all, of course their games will sell more than 3rd parties. And since theyre also a game developer and publisher WHY NOT?


The Conduit adds the first serious first person shooter for the Wii.  I'm really excited for the Conduit because it was created by a bunch of hardcore gamers for selfish reasons instead of a publisher dictating yet another water downed game for a so called casual system (which it may be, but that's due somewhat to the available games.  I have many friends that went the 360 because of this -- it will be interesting to see if they're willing to come back).  The creators have a ton of passion for both the Wii and this game and for these reasons alone the game is going to be great, but it's also going to show what the Wii is capable of both graphically and playability.