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Resident_Hazard said:
yushire said:

I see you beating a dead horse here, but if those games you mentioned are proven either by quality or sales can I reply to this post? I think I definitely will...

Anyway, thats all for now.




I don't think you understand the term "beating a dead horse."  That would require redundancy.

Now, I don't doubt that Monster Hunter 3 will be somewhat successful--at least in Japan.  But elsewhere, it likely won't light up the world of too many gamers.

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Me on the other hand?  I've grown tired of Nintendo's unevolved, unpolished, lackluster 1st party efforts as of late.  I am now, and have generally always been, a huge fan of the 3rd party works on the systems.


Prasing and hyping The Conduit and saying the game will be the turning point when 3rd party core games on the Wii is concerned was redundant. You said it yourself...

However, it needs to be said--and repeated until it finally starts sinking in--that the biggest problem Nintendo has, and has had for three generations, is it's own hardcore fans/fanboys.  I'm going to keep tooting that horn until the number of so-called "gamers" who only buy Nintendo systems for 1st party fare drops to nothing.  These are the people who will drown out attention from The Conduit if some 1st party title comes out at the same time.  Woe be to High Voltage Software if Punch-Out has a launch date within two weeks of any first-party Nintendo game.  Because the fanboys will ignore it en masse if that should happen.

Like I said, it will be turned out to be a average shooter with multiplayer and CTF. And 16 players online, but serioulsy thats it. Sure it have good graphics but what did it add to the Wii? What this game will the Wii turned out to become special?

Im more hype and excited if Infinity Ward will make a Call of Duty exclusive title on the Wii and Valve make a Wii game than to wait on this game. I know Im gonna buy this anyway, but this title is not worthy of first day purchase

As for your post, what can you expect? Its Nintendo console after all, of course their games will sell more than 3rd parties. And since theyre also a game developer and publisher WHY NOT?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out