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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit is it even worth the hype and wait?

@BrainBox: You got a point there with the Alien. Playing the marine and Predator were just shooters. I think the online maps were fairly unbalanced, as well as the characters, and there were too much laggers and cheaters. Quake was much better.

@Bardiverse: Oh, then it propably is Turok: Evolution. Dinosaur Hunter on N64 was great, although, it focused more on adventure.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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yushire said:

OK since The Conduit will be released on May is it even worth the wait? Even with games coming out on the system? Some people thinks that this game will be the trendsetter as far as Wii core gaming goes especially with the 3rd parties. But to tell you all honestly, its not even close SURE its an awesome game but its not as expected it to be. Im just posting this for anyone who still expecting much of this title, the 3rd party quality titles already proven, Monster Hunter 3, fragile, House of the Dead Overkill, marvelous titles, Skate it, Shaun White snowboarding, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, etc... so whats HVS tries to prove?

If this is the first good FPS title on the system I can agree with it, but a core title?!!

I dunno, I just hope no one will be disappointed about this if its just a average shooter with great graphics on the Wii and good motion controls. But I'm waiting more on Madworld and Fragile than this title. Half Life series was still the best FPS game to me.  I cant say about Goldeneye 64 because I didnt played it yet...


Is this thread a joke?  First off, Monster Hunter 3, Fragile, HotD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures, and upcoming Marvelous titles are not proven games, neither in quality, sales, nor gameplay. 

There's also no way to tell just how good, bad, surprising, or disappointing The Conduit will or won't be.  Is it worth the wait?  You're going to have to wait to get your answer on that!

The Conduit will not be an average shooter.  Simply being on the Wii will guarantee that.  But it's being built with a lot of influence from standard shooters, and let's hope that it's standard enough to be playable.  We don't want stupid crap like waggle put in place to make the character jump, or stupid unreadable forward-back movements with the Wiimote.  It'll be a hard sell simply because there are too many of the following two types of gamers on the Wii:  Blue Ocean n00bs who won't care and Nintendo fanboys who only ever want the latest Nintendo product, even if it is just more Mario Party trite or yet another release of Ocarina of Time.  It will be average in a lot of ways, but hopefully different enough to get noticed.  It's graphics alone are getting it a whole mess of attention.  Let's hope the atmosphere and gameplay match.  Then again, average, unevolved gameplay is one of the things reviewers these days crave.  Look at the high review scores for GTA4 and Soul Calibur IV.  The game mustn't be too different if it's to succeed on a large scale.

That said, the Wii needs this game.  It's a system-necessary genre these days.

During the 16-bit era and leading into the 32/64-bit era, every console/console maker needed it's signature platformer, signature RPG, and signature fighter.  Sega had Sonic, Phantasy Star & Shining, and Virtua Fighter.  Nintendo had Mario, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Killer Instinct.

During the 2nd generation, every company needed it's signature arcade hit or port thereof.  Coleco had Donkey Kong, for instance.  Atari had Space Invaders.

During the 8-bit (3rd Generation) years, it was platformers.  Nintendo had Mario, NEC had Bonk, Sega had Wonder Boy.

These games were killer apps that sold the systems.  Especially killer apps in specific popular-for-the-time genres.  These days, the sci-fi FPS rules the roost.  Mostly because everything else is multiplatform these days.  Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat are all multi-platform.  Only Smash Bros and Killer Instinct (if rumors of it's revival are true) will be truly single-platform titles.  Microsoft has Halo, Sony has Resistance, and Nintendo has nothing.  The Wii needs The Conduit to fill this "AAA popular genre" void and make the Wii more relevant to the mythical hardcore gamers who are still hold-outs for buying a Wii.


Resident_Hazard said:
yushire said:

OK since The Conduit will be released on May is it even worth the wait? Even with games coming out on the system? Some people thinks that this game will be the trendsetter as far as Wii core gaming goes especially with the 3rd parties. But to tell you all honestly, its not even close SURE its an awesome game but its not as expected it to be. Im just posting this for anyone who still expecting much of this title, the 3rd party quality titles already proven, Monster Hunter 3, fragile, House of the Dead Overkill, marvelous titles, Skate it, Shaun White snowboarding, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, etc... so whats HVS tries to prove?

If this is the first good FPS title on the system I can agree with it, but a core title?!!

I dunno, I just hope no one will be disappointed about this if its just a average shooter with great graphics on the Wii and good motion controls. But I'm waiting more on Madworld and Fragile than this title. Half Life series was still the best FPS game to me.  I cant say about Goldeneye 64 because I didnt played it yet...


Is this thread a joke?  First off, Monster Hunter 3, Fragile, HotD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures, and upcoming Marvelous titles are not proven games, neither in quality, sales, nor gameplay. 

There's also no way to tell just how good, bad, surprising, or disappointing The Conduit will or won't be.  Is it worth the wait?  You're going to have to wait to get your answer on that!

The Conduit will not be an average shooter.  Simply being on the Wii will guarantee that.  But it's being built with a lot of influence from standard shooters, and let's hope that it's standard enough to be playable.  We don't want stupid crap like waggle put in place to make the character jump, or stupid unreadable forward-back movements with the Wiimote.  It'll be a hard sell simply because there are too many of the following two types of gamers on the Wii:  Blue Ocean n00bs who won't care and Nintendo fanboys who only ever want the latest Nintendo product, even if it is just more Mario Party trite or yet another release of Ocarina of Time.  It will be average in a lot of ways, but hopefully different enough to get noticed.  It's graphics alone are getting it a whole mess of attention.  Let's hope the atmosphere and gameplay match.  Then again, average, unevolved gameplay is one of the things reviewers these days crave.  Look at the high review scores for GTA4 and Soul Calibur IV.  The game mustn't be too different if it's to succeed on a large scale.

That said, the Wii needs this game.  It's a system-necessary genre these days.

During the 16-bit era and leading into the 32/64-bit era, every console/console maker needed it's signature platformer, signature RPG, and signature fighter.  Sega had Sonic, Phantasy Star & Shining, and Virtua Fighter.  Nintendo had Mario, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Killer Instinct.

During the 2nd generation, every company needed it's signature arcade hit or port thereof.  Coleco had Donkey Kong, for instance.  Atari had Space Invaders.

During the 8-bit (3rd Generation) years, it was platformers.  Nintendo had Mario, NEC had Bonk, Sega had Wonder Boy.

These games were killer apps that sold the systems.  Especially killer apps in specific popular-for-the-time genres.  These days, the sci-fi FPS rules the roost.  Mostly because everything else is multiplatform these days.  Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat are all multi-platform.  Only Smash Bros and Killer Instinct (if rumors of it's revival are true) will be truly single-platform titles.  Microsoft has Halo, Sony has Resistance, and Nintendo has nothing.  The Wii needs The Conduit to fill this "AAA popular genre" void and make the Wii more relevant to the mythical hardcore gamers who are still hold-outs for buying a Wii.


Nice post!

I think that consoles has to have a few first and thirdparty exclusive games for people to really wanting a console and to keep playing on it. If a console lacks multiplatform games or has the worst versions, then something has to take their place as well. The Conduit is hopefully a game that will cover peoples needs.

One can only go deeper into this.


yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
yushire said:
SO... is that a xbox game or what? For a game that as hyped as Halo and Gears it sure looks like a xbox game. Or Im wrong and you cant do that graphics in a xbox...

So how different is that graphics from COD WAW and Quantum of Soalce on the Wii?

I didnt include some xbox games there so what The conduit thinks the engine and the graphics is special? And guess what Activision didnt even try on Qos and COD WAW. So how do you think this graphics was special?

Simply because HVS do what developers must do in a average Wii game and not a shoddy port doesnt mean we have to hype this game as the best graphics or awesome game on the Wii. If you want to see that kind of graphics why not buy a xbox game?

Like I said, this is as hyped as Halo and gears or even Killzone 2 if Wii games are concerned. And its HVS are doing the hype. If HVS wants to hype this game as it already is they should make the game as fan's expectation and not just a average xbox game. I think they should learn tips from Factor 5, they're doing a GC game just as like as xbox 360 games. Now thats what I called awesome graphics...

lol, where did you get the idea that this game is as hyped as Halo and Gears? No one on the planet expects The Conduit to come close to the quality or success of those titles.

And I don't want to alarm you, but Wii is only just barely more powerful than the xbox. Welcome to 2006.

Not just. Wii is more powerful then Xbox. Xbox was a bit more powerful then GameCube, only. Wii is a lot stronger then GameCube even if all specs ain't doubled and therefore more then a tiny bit more powerful then Xbox. But compared to Xbox 360 and PS3, Wii and Xbox is in the same ballpark powerwise.

About the hype, I agree and think it's good that The Conduit ain't in the same level of hype.

pokes at Tuulikk, Wii was a GC 1.5 or GC 2.0 but definitely GC 1.5 I'll show you the link later, I have to find it.


Ah! I got a poke!

I think Wii in some areas is a GC 1.6 and in others 2.0 or so. So I would rather call Wii a GC 1.8. Anyway, Wii has superior texturing to GC, better colors and lightning. There probably is hardware and software tweeks to make Wii stand out more then just raw power and different controls to GC.

yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

Because there are other good games on the system this year and the coming year to wait to other than the conduit? And there are good FPS games already system sure theyre not AAA, or even A maybe B but how can we possibly knew that The Conduit is A?
Theres no reason to wait, the quality games are already here, we just dont noticed it. Of course, it doesnt mean we dont have to buy the conduit but many people says "Im waiting for the conduit" than buy other games on the system I dont know why but thats whats their thinking.

Unless theres a multiplayer modes other than CTF like Sabotage, zombie mode, search and destroy, vehicles, online co-op, splitscreen multiplayer with bots, etc... then SURE wait for The Conduit even I want to wait and ignore other games on the system like COD WAW even the game was good but as far I dont see anything special on the Conduit.

I'm waiting for The Conduit to come out. But then again, I ain't a FPS gamer and I don't like War games much. But I think I might want Red Steel 2 even more then The Conduit.

It would be good for people to buy FPS games here and right now so COD WAW and QoS can get decent sales and not just die on 300 to 600k. They are probably good games and good games needs support on Wii. Most people has time to save up some money to buy The Conduit anyway, even if they do buy a FPS game now. Is that why you think people should not wait? And maybe that people could get disappointed by The Conduit when it finally comes and not buy a FPS game for Wii at all?

One problem is, The Conduit attracts people who don't like war games and ordinary FPS games. The Conduit will attract people who has more then one console and often buys their multiplatform games for the stronger console (as in not Wii). And the Conduit will attract people who don't own a current gen console yet and possible non hardcore gamers. And people who ordinary plays FPS games on Wii will get The Conduit. That by being different, by playing on the strong sides of The Wii Remote (the pointer), by wowing with having great graphics for being a Wii game, by having vocal developers daring to develope exclusive for Wii and trying their best in that timeframe they have.

I'm not saying that The Conduit will have great sales, but I'm saying that i think the game will have a bit different market than the current FPS games and that I think it will be a good thing if the people who buys FPS games for Wii and the possible others aswell also do it and that might lead to better sales. Like, expanding the market.

The problem with The Conduit is that it's a new IP, the news of it has to come out to as many people it can and so on. So we will see how it goes.

I just hope that HVS dont anticipate this game to sell for atleast over 300,000 in its first week though. We knew this is a new IP and we knew this game will have decent sales I just hope HVS  thinking the same way.


It would be stupid for them to! It could sell good anyway.

It does seem like core games on Wii are selling better now then they did a few months ago. That should mean that core gamers are increasing on Wii by maybe new and converted gamers, plus multiplatform gamers buying more Wii games. I think it is from now on to about the release of The Conduit we will see if the market is sustainable (yet) for core games, how many and what type of game.


Around the Network
Resident_Hazard said:
yushire said:

OK since The Conduit will be released on May is it even worth the wait? Even with games coming out on the system? Some people thinks that this game will be the trendsetter as far as Wii core gaming goes especially with the 3rd parties. But to tell you all honestly, its not even close SURE its an awesome game but its not as expected it to be. Im just posting this for anyone who still expecting much of this title, the 3rd party quality titles already proven, Monster Hunter 3, fragile, House of the Dead Overkill, marvelous titles, Skate it, Shaun White snowboarding, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, etc... so whats HVS tries to prove?

If this is the first good FPS title on the system I can agree with it, but a core title?!!

I dunno, I just hope no one will be disappointed about this if its just a average shooter with great graphics on the Wii and good motion controls. But I'm waiting more on Madworld and Fragile than this title. Half Life series was still the best FPS game to me.  I cant say about Goldeneye 64 because I didnt played it yet...


Is this thread a joke?  First off, Monster Hunter 3, Fragile, HotD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures, and upcoming Marvelous titles are not proven games, neither in quality, sales, nor gameplay. 

There's also no way to tell just how good, bad, surprising, or disappointing The Conduit will or won't be.  Is it worth the wait?  You're going to have to wait to get your answer on that!

The Conduit will not be an average shooter.  Simply being on the Wii will guarantee that.  But it's being built with a lot of influence from standard shooters, and let's hope that it's standard enough to be playable.  We don't want stupid crap like waggle put in place to make the character jump, or stupid unreadable forward-back movements with the Wiimote.  It'll be a hard sell simply because there are too many of the following two types of gamers on the Wii:  Blue Ocean n00bs who won't care and Nintendo fanboys who only ever want the latest Nintendo product, even if it is just more Mario Party trite or yet another release of Ocarina of Time.  It will be average in a lot of ways, but hopefully different enough to get noticed.  It's graphics alone are getting it a whole mess of attention.  Let's hope the atmosphere and gameplay match.  Then again, average, unevolved gameplay is one of the things reviewers these days crave.  Look at the high review scores for GTA4 and Soul Calibur IV.  The game mustn't be too different if it's to succeed on a large scale.

That said, the Wii needs this game.  It's a system-necessary genre these days.

During the 16-bit era and leading into the 32/64-bit era, every console/console maker needed it's signature platformer, signature RPG, and signature fighter.  Sega had Sonic, Phantasy Star & Shining, and Virtua Fighter.  Nintendo had Mario, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Killer Instinct.

During the 2nd generation, every company needed it's signature arcade hit or port thereof.  Coleco had Donkey Kong, for instance.  Atari had Space Invaders.

During the 8-bit (3rd Generation) years, it was platformers.  Nintendo had Mario, NEC had Bonk, Sega had Wonder Boy.

These games were killer apps that sold the systems.  Especially killer apps in specific popular-for-the-time genres.  These days, the sci-fi FPS rules the roost.  Mostly because everything else is multiplatform these days.  Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat are all multi-platform.  Only Smash Bros and Killer Instinct (if rumors of it's revival are true) will be truly single-platform titles.  Microsoft has Halo, Sony has Resistance, and Nintendo has nothing.  The Wii needs The Conduit to fill this "AAA popular genre" void and make the Wii more relevant to the mythical hardcore gamers who are still hold-outs for buying a Wii.


I see you beating a dead horse here, but if those games you mentioned are proven either by quality or sales can I reply to this post? I think I definitely will...

Anyway, thats all for now.


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

pokes at Tuulikk, Wii was a GC 1.5 or GC 2.0 but definitely GC 1.5 I'll show you the link later, I have to find it.


Ah! I got a poke!

I think Wii in some areas is a GC 1.6 and in others 2.0 or so. So I would rather call Wii a GC 1.8. Anyway, Wii has superior texturing to GC, better colors and lightning. There probably is hardware and software tweeks to make Wii stand out more then just raw power and different controls to GC.


But the Wii have still a last gen existing technology unlike the 360 and the PS3 so the average games on the system can be still compared to XBOX games. Sure, the Wii is more powerful than the XBOX but its still using the same technology so we've seen more and more games on the Wii that looks like a box game if only third parties put effort into it.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

I just hope that HVS dont anticipate this game to sell for atleast over 300,000 in its first week though. We knew this is a new IP and we knew this game will have decent sales I just hope HVS  thinking the same way.


It would be stupid for them to! It could sell good anyway.

It does seem like core games on Wii are selling better now then they did a few months ago. That should mean that core gamers are increasing on Wii by maybe new and converted gamers, plus multiplatform gamers buying more Wii games. I think it is from now on to about the release of The Conduit we will see if the market is sustainable (yet) for core games, how many and what type of game.



I just hope so... though I knew it would sell in decent amount maybe a million seller in a year will be ideal not really realistically, but still even it only sell 500,000 in its first year the game was still be profitable.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

pokes at Tuulikk, Wii was a GC 1.5 or GC 2.0 but definitely GC 1.5 I'll show you the link later, I have to find it.


Ah! I got a poke!

I think Wii in some areas is a GC 1.6 and in others 2.0 or so. So I would rather call Wii a GC 1.8. Anyway, Wii has superior texturing to GC, better colors and lightning. There probably is hardware and software tweeks to make Wii stand out more then just raw power and different controls to GC.


But the Wii have still a last gen existing technology unlike the 360 and the PS3 so the average games on the system can be still compared to XBOX games. Sure, the Wii is more powerful than the XBOX but its still using the same technology so we've seen more and more games on the Wii that looks like a box game if only third parties put effort into it.

Well, yes and no. 64 MB of GDDR Ram is new current gen tech. Most of the rest is probably at least based on old tech from GC. Most upgrades is probably on GPU and RAM.

And yeah, it's like with DS, if I don't remember wrong, DS has some modern tech, but it's still +/- N64. Wii can outdo Xbox and GC, but not escape from them.

It's an average shooter, but since the Wii doesn't have many shooters, it's seen as above average.

I'm sure some people are still waiting for this title.