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Forums - General Discussion - Walmart Clerk dies as crowds rush in.

When I heard that, I was so mad. It shows how impatient people are in this world and for that to happen is really sad.


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HappySqurriel said:
elprincipe said:
A lot of people really are savages, you know. I'm not talking about everyone, especially those who were pushed into the store by people behind them, but more of the quotes at the end of the article.


It's not being a savage ...

The people in the front of the mob will see the clerk and try to do everything in their power not to hurt him but the people behind them will be forcing them forward; the people in the middle of the crowd might know something is happening in front of them but they (probably) won't know what it is and they will be pushed forward by the people behind them; and the people at the back won't have any clue that anything is happening in front of them.

Situations like this have happened many times before (there have been some famous soccer stadium "accidents" that were caused by rush-seating) and the crowd behavior is very well understood.


I think you  need to read what I wrote again, as I'm agreeing with you for the most part.

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akuma587 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Cougarman said:
unbelievable, its sad someone had to die just because some idiots didnt want to miss out on some deals, not good day for human kind


How about thousands of people a day being murdered in Africa because of what tribe they are from, and no one over here giving a shit about it?

Yea, this sucks, but it does not even come close to effecting the overall state of humankind.

Indeed.  If this is our low point, then we are doing pretty damn good.


The only thing that makes our lowpoint different from theirs is allocation or resources.

Man whats going on! A shooting in India, People shot in a Toys R Us, THIS! WTF!

WalMart is working with the police to sue people. I hope the family of the person killed gets some payback. Maybe it will wake idiots up that there isnt a need to RUSH just to get a good deal that will be there next year on newer up to date items.

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ssj12 said:
WalMart is working with the police to sue people. I hope the family of the person killed gets some payback. Maybe it will wake idiots up that there isnt a need to RUSH just to get a good deal that will be there next year on newer up to date items.


Assuming the Wal-mart doesn't take all the money to cover their expenses like they did in that other case.

I would blame Wii Fit...but this time, I blame American idiocy.