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Forums - Sales Discussion - Biggest 360 Week Ever? Tales from Black Friday

if you said like 6 months ago that footage of the people bundling in the shop for a 360 console i don't think many would of believed you. That is just insane to see that. Makes me wonder will 360 actually have any stock for the last few weeks until xmas!

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thx1139 said:
How many minimum did Walmart have per store?


 From what I've gathered smaller stores got 16 and then up from there with others getting 32. Obviously, there must be some deviation here as per one guy here his store got 90. That would have to be in one busy, busy area though if I had to guess.

any more experiences ?

i think we would lie to hear more stories, keep them coming

i think we agree that xbox 360 has advantage on price point.

Not sure if this is where to put it, but this is what happened at my Fry's

Wii - I was quite frankly shocked at how little demand there was.  At the end of the day we still had about 35 (out of about 60) sitting in the back.  While sales were up due to the volume of customers, it wasn't much more than a normal day.

360 - Sold quite well.  Didn't sell out of any models, but the arcade and premium had pretty steady sales throughout the day.  Towards the end of the day it was probably selling the most (outside of portables).

PS3 - This was the surprise of the day.  We sold out of the 80 GB before noon.  Probably had around 60 at the start of the day.  not as much demand for the 160 GB.  Had about 30, and ended with 10-15.

PSP and DS - Both sold well throughout the day.  Not really sure which sold more.

Software - Only games that were sold in large quantites were GTA 4 (both systems sold out) and Mario Kart wii (also sold out).  The new Need for Speed also sold pretty well.  Rest of the software was mostly an assortment of big name titles on all the systems.  PC games sold a little bit of everything.  Either WotlK or Left 4 Dead was the top seller.

I've just been reading that a Walmart employee died in amongst the sales rush to get into a store at Valley Stream on New York's Long Island. 4 others were injured.

This sounds hectic...these too good to be true sales can't continue to operate on a 'first in best served' basis.

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Dianko said:
whatever said:
mysticD said:
whatever said:
I agree with bigjon to a point. Videos of highly discounted bundles that are in short supply doesn't mean we are about to see the 360 outsell the Wii. I went to walmart when they had the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD player sale and it was a madhouse trying to get those units. Well, that didn't end so well for HD-DVD.

As for NA sales. I'd see the 360 at 500k and Wii at about 800k. Though this site has a history of over tracking the 360, so it might show up over 600k.

So by that same logic, that $129.00 Blu-ray probably will spell doom for blu-ray after this holiday??

As for 360 being overtrack, I think it was undertrack last NPD so yeah, let spread more FUD.


So I wouldn't say that Blu-ray is a massive success because the $129.00 BR player sold out quickly.  That BR has a long way to go still.

One time being undertracked does not make up for the many times it has been overtracked.  Like I said in another thread.  The 360 has to cross 20 million 4 times before it stayed there.



 This site has a history of under and over tracking every system, that are adjusted when new information comes in. To single out the 360 as being consistently overtracked is simply retarded.

Calling someone retarded for pointing out facts is, well...  worse than retarded.

Fumanchu said:
I've just been reading that a Walmart employee died in amongst the sales rush to get into a store at Valley Stream on New York's Long Island. 4 others were injured.

This sounds hectic...these too good to be true sales can't continue to operate on a 'first in best served' basis.


 They have to come up with a better system no doubt about it.

Yakuzaice said:

Not sure if this is where to put it, but this is what happened at my Fry's

Wii - I was quite frankly shocked at how little demand there was.  At the end of the day we still had about 35 (out of about 60) sitting in the back.  While sales were up due to the volume of customers, it wasn't much more than a normal day.

360 - Sold quite well.  Didn't sell out of any models, but the arcade and premium had pretty steady sales throughout the day.  Towards the end of the day it was probably selling the most (outside of portables).

PS3 - This was the surprise of the day.  We sold out of the 80 GB before noon.  Probably had around 60 at the start of the day.  not as much demand for the 160 GB.  Had about 30, and ended with 10-15.

PSP and DS - Both sold well throughout the day.  Not really sure which sold more.

Software - Only games that were sold in large quantites were GTA 4 (both systems sold out) and Mario Kart wii (also sold out).  The new Need for Speed also sold pretty well.  Rest of the software was mostly an assortment of big name titles on all the systems.  PC games sold a little bit of everything.  Either WotlK or Left 4 Dead was the top seller.


you live in a very strange place it seems

you are probably the only guy with that kind of stories. PS3 sell better than 360?? LOL!?
and better than the Wii !!? AHAHA man i had a really good laugh. but you eat crow when the numbers come, please dont lie again

Jlmadyson said:
Fumanchu said:
I've just been reading that a Walmart employee died in amongst the sales rush to get into a store at Valley Stream on New York's Long Island. 4 others were injured.

This sounds hectic...these too good to be true sales can't continue to operate on a 'first in best served' basis.


 They have to come up with a better system no doubt about it.


All our local walmart stores are open 24/7 so the doors are always open.  Except for Christmas I think.


This is a very sad situation, I would imagine walmart has a different policy next season.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




radioioRobert said:
It was a massive day for the 360. While I was shopping I saw only 360's and Wii's selling. This could be the week that 360>Wii in NA, but I think Wii will edge it out. Sony didn't even come out to play today!


   That is just crazy.  The 360 will NEVER beat the Wii.  I mean the PS3 will trade back and forth, one might overtake the other then back again from time to time, but the chance of either beating the Wii outside of a tiny window around the release of a big game is just nil.


   The only scinereo I can see the 360 outselling the Wii is if the Wii had some sort of unexpected serious supply issue.  I went to Gamestop late today and they had a boatload of 360s still, but not a single Wii.   A friend of mine works there and apparently they were out of Wii's within less then an hour of opening (they had over 100 to sell).  


   I mean we can argue PS3 vs 360 all day, but arguing either vs the Wii is just foolish.  The only constraint on the Wii sales are really how many Nintendo gets into stores.  I can't remember a single day in the last 3 years I have seen more then a handful of non bundled Wiis (they DO sometimes sit when put in 400 dollar bundles of crap places like Frys) in stock at a time.  I have never ever seen Wii's in stock on consecutive days at Gamestop when I've gone more then once in a week.  

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