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radioioRobert said:
It was a massive day for the 360. While I was shopping I saw only 360's and Wii's selling. This could be the week that 360>Wii in NA, but I think Wii will edge it out. Sony didn't even come out to play today!


   That is just crazy.  The 360 will NEVER beat the Wii.  I mean the PS3 will trade back and forth, one might overtake the other then back again from time to time, but the chance of either beating the Wii outside of a tiny window around the release of a big game is just nil.


   The only scinereo I can see the 360 outselling the Wii is if the Wii had some sort of unexpected serious supply issue.  I went to Gamestop late today and they had a boatload of 360s still, but not a single Wii.   A friend of mine works there and apparently they were out of Wii's within less then an hour of opening (they had over 100 to sell).  


   I mean we can argue PS3 vs 360 all day, but arguing either vs the Wii is just foolish.  The only constraint on the Wii sales are really how many Nintendo gets into stores.  I can't remember a single day in the last 3 years I have seen more then a handful of non bundled Wiis (they DO sometimes sit when put in 400 dollar bundles of crap places like Frys) in stock at a time.  I have never ever seen Wii's in stock on consecutive days at Gamestop when I've gone more then once in a week.  

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