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Not sure if this is where to put it, but this is what happened at my Fry's

Wii - I was quite frankly shocked at how little demand there was.  At the end of the day we still had about 35 (out of about 60) sitting in the back.  While sales were up due to the volume of customers, it wasn't much more than a normal day.

360 - Sold quite well.  Didn't sell out of any models, but the arcade and premium had pretty steady sales throughout the day.  Towards the end of the day it was probably selling the most (outside of portables).

PS3 - This was the surprise of the day.  We sold out of the 80 GB before noon.  Probably had around 60 at the start of the day.  not as much demand for the 160 GB.  Had about 30, and ended with 10-15.

PSP and DS - Both sold well throughout the day.  Not really sure which sold more.

Software - Only games that were sold in large quantites were GTA 4 (both systems sold out) and Mario Kart wii (also sold out).  The new Need for Speed also sold pretty well.  Rest of the software was mostly an assortment of big name titles on all the systems.  PC games sold a little bit of everything.  Either WotlK or Left 4 Dead was the top seller.