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Dianko said:
whatever said:
mysticD said:
whatever said:
I agree with bigjon to a point. Videos of highly discounted bundles that are in short supply doesn't mean we are about to see the 360 outsell the Wii. I went to walmart when they had the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD player sale and it was a madhouse trying to get those units. Well, that didn't end so well for HD-DVD.

As for NA sales. I'd see the 360 at 500k and Wii at about 800k. Though this site has a history of over tracking the 360, so it might show up over 600k.

So by that same logic, that $129.00 Blu-ray probably will spell doom for blu-ray after this holiday??

As for 360 being overtrack, I think it was undertrack last NPD so yeah, let spread more FUD.


So I wouldn't say that Blu-ray is a massive success because the $129.00 BR player sold out quickly.  That BR has a long way to go still.

One time being undertracked does not make up for the many times it has been overtracked.  Like I said in another thread.  The 360 has to cross 20 million 4 times before it stayed there.



 This site has a history of under and over tracking every system, that are adjusted when new information comes in. To single out the 360 as being consistently overtracked is simply retarded.

Calling someone retarded for pointing out facts is, well...  worse than retarded.