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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - ExciteTruck developers working on top-secret Nintendo game

ExciteTruck developers working on top-secret Nintendo game

A snippet from a Locally Grown North Field article…

Right now, the 20 employees at Monster Games are working on a top-secret video game for Nintendo. They’ve worked on it for two years and are nearly finished. The process is so private the designers must darken their monitors when the bottled-water deliveryman enters the office.

Monster Games worked on ExciteTruck for the Wii, and it seems that their specialty is creating racing games. No mention as to what platform they are developing on. With their racing game background, I am thinking they could be working on an F-Zero or Pilotwings sequel. Of course, that’s nothing but speculation right now. Thanks to Daniel for the heads up!


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WTF mate. I guess that's why we haven't seen an Excite Truck 2. Was always wondering why Ninty didn't make a second yet.

Well I wouldn't think it would be Excite Truck 2 but we'll see.

I hope is F-Zero...


Well I'm glad to hear Monster is making another game for Nintendo, but saddened that it probably is NOT Excite Truck 2. (As anyone at Nintendo would request that much secrecy for another Excite Truck.)

Here’s hoping for a new Pilot Wings.

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didnt surfer girl say it was f-zero?

@ fernando, your avatar looks like james may

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


What if it was Star Fox? That be pretty wild. The article says they've been working on it for nearly two years, which if it's true, probably means Monster started on this shortly after finishing Excite Truck.

Cheers. You were faster than me.

Well this is good news. But that means more games to buy.

woopah said:
didnt surfer girl say it was f-zero?

@ fernando, your avatar looks like james may


 hehe... Actually, my hair is way longer. In layers, almost at half of my back...


BrainBoxLtd said:

What if it was Star Fox? That be pretty wild. The article says they've been working on it for nearly two years, which if it's true, probably means Monster started on this shortly after finishing Excite Truck.


  I hope that they are not developing Star Fox...

If someone can make a Star Fox game as good as Star Fox 64, is Factor 5.

I remember back in the Lair days, Factor 5 said that they were going to develop a Wii game, and the most interesting part of the Wii Remote to them was the IR Pointer (and I agree)... and they said that they are going to push the Wii to the limits too, graphically speaking.

A Star Fox game on Wii could work like this: Analog stick to move the Arwing, IR Pointer to aim and move the camera, with a little bounding box, kinda like Metroid Prime 3, A to shoot, B for right barrel roll, Z for left barrel roll, and C for bombs.

And D-Pad down to brake and D-Pad up to boost.

And the voices coming from the Wii Remote speaker...

And you have to remember that Factor 5 is indeed working in a couple of Wii exclusive titles...
