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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NEW: Monthly VGC most wanted. Vote here.

Residen Evil 5
Alan Wake
God of War 3
Star Ocean 4 (or 0, if you´d like)

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Assuming we have to have seen a picture or video of ingame, then

Mad World
Cursed Mountain
Wii Sports resort
Animal Crossing (I'm in Australia so we don't have it yet)

I am shocked no-one else put FF13 down!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I completely forgot about No More Heroes 2. Oh well, no worries, I'll just put that higher up in next month's vote.


EDIT: darthdevidem, it might be because most people are fed up with it after waiting so long. Or they just don't care much about Final Fantasy anymore. It's a mix between those two reasons for me, anyway.

1. Final Fantasy XIII
2. Gran Turismo 5
3. Diablo 3
4. Resident Evil 5
5. God of War III

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Y'know what I want Benga?

The Week that Was.

1. Resident Evil 5
2. God of War III
3. Final Fantasy XIII
4. Star Ocean 4
5. Alan Wake

1.) Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
2.) Starcraft 2
3.) Pokemon Platinum
4.) Madworld
5.) Punchout Wii

Pixel Art can be fun.

DMeisterJ said:
Y'know what I want Benga?

The Week that Was.


I have a feeling you might get lucky this week, but definitely at the end of the year...

Now give me your top 5, dammit! 

final fantasy 13
Final fantasy versus 13
God of War 3
Heavy rain

My wii is rotting away, I should just sell it and buy a 360 for star ocean 4


Edit: replaced street fighter IV with heavy rain