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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft Says Xbox 360 Has the Upper Hand on the PS3

Squilliam said:
Spankey said:
Squilliam said:
As soon as I can get RROD in blue or purple I'll definately buy an Xbox 360!


lol Squilliam!

You surprised me with that one!

Also I noticed you've changed the colour of the console sales gap in your sig from green to a reddish colour...any significance?

anyway, back on topic, well done MS, but remember that while you're strutting your stuff like a barnyard rooster  Nintendo is quietly laughing its collective ass off at you! ;)

I also changed the text as well.. So if you read the text you'll understand the colour.

@ RROD, every Xbox owner gets that colour, I want a unique RROD experience, not something that everyone gets.



oooh...I see! sneaky!

@RROD, yeah I agree. a dark blue (or if even possible a black) ROD would fit in nicely with the rest of my entertainment unit, much better than boring old red imo.

MS, if you're reading this, your customers have spoken!

Customisable error lights FTW!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Around the Network
Spankey said:
Squilliam said:
Spankey said:
Squilliam said:
As soon as I can get RROD in blue or purple I'll definately buy an Xbox 360!


lol Squilliam!

You surprised me with that one!

Also I noticed you've changed the colour of the console sales gap in your sig from green to a reddish colour...any significance?

anyway, back on topic, well done MS, but remember that while you're strutting your stuff like a barnyard rooster  Nintendo is quietly laughing its collective ass off at you! ;)

I also changed the text as well.. So if you read the text you'll understand the colour.

@ RROD, every Xbox owner gets that colour, I want a unique RROD experience, not something that everyone gets.



oooh...I see! sneaky!

@RROD, yeah I agree. a dark blue (or if even possible a black) ROD would fit in nicely with the rest of my entertainment unit, much better than boring old red imo.

MS, if you're reading this, your customers have spoken!

Customisable error lights FTW!

Unfortunately, Microsoft is a Software company and not a hardware company. They don't understand what those little flourishes mean to people like us!



For the next two years X360 will hold an advantage over the PS3 as the attach rates and install base of X360 increases. PS3 should however overtake the X360 install base in two years time due to future PS3 price cuts and the strong brand image of Play Station.
By generation end X360 will finish with a much higher game attach rate than PS3 and more X360 software will be sold than PS3.

Squilliam said:
As soon as I can get RROD in blue or purple I'll definately buy an Xbox 360!

Lol PROD = Purple Ring of Death

OT: Do Sony and Microsoft have nothing better to do than insist that they are beating the other console? I swear, it goes like this:

Monday: Microsoft- We are winning


Wednesday: Sony- We will win, don't worry

Thursday: Microsoft- The 360 is beating the PS3

Friday: Sony- The Wii and 360 will stop selling soon

Saturday: Microsoft- You can't be happy without a 360!

Sunday: Nintendo- We have reported a profit of sixty trillion yen this quarter...

The sad thing is that most of those were real D:


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

papflesje said:
They're riding the wave of their success at this point, but they could tone it down on the announcements about it, because it's getting tiresome...(it's not as if nintendo is flashing out announcement after announcement about how they're doing...)


that's because it takes them days to unbury themselves from the mountains of cash

Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:

@ Garnett

I thought you said you were a person of “fairness”. But as of late, all you've done is bash the PS3 and practically praised the 360.

@ Godot

Yeah... M$ will be able to claim victory over Sony (that's if things stay this way) but they'll still never have the brand recognition Sony has because of Sony's two HISTORICAL victories two generations in a row M$ cannot claim this. Really that's all just fighting for scraps though. The real winner this gen will be the Wii.


I would be inclined to say that brand recognition is one of Microsoft issues and that as a Brand it is stronger than Sony. Maybe historically not in the games industry but that Brand recognition from the other markets extends into the games section hence the M$ comments and other anti Microsoft remarks.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.

All three manufacturers are more then willing to sing their own praises. Nintendo was merely able to praise themselves out with the first year alone. Sony well we know the situation the PS3 isn't actually winning on any relevant front. Microsoft is taking it to Sony, and is obviously thrilled to death about it, because it could also lock in a second place finish for them. Sure second place is the first loser, but Microsoft had one goal this generation to beat Sony. So they can win what they wanted most even if it does not come with a generation bonus of market dominance.

xman said:
Yeah they have the momentum but they should watch out because things could change rather quickly with a price cut from sony


I think you will find a price cut will not help the PS3 hardly at all, those potential buyers would have long since bought One of the other consoles and are no way going to sit there for months just for a small price cut.

And so many reports of the Blu Ray read errors and a lot of Hard drive read errors are not helping the PS3 at all (Was the low failure rate due to it's early low sales but now there are a lot more there comes a lot more failures?), especially as the price to repair is the highest of all consoles once you warranty is out.

A price cut alone simply "unlocks" already existing potential buyers still waiting a lower price, but to enlarge potential user base, I agree, producers must find something to offer that public wants.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Microsoft talks shit about every console, Microsoft will be shitting bricks when the PS3's price is lowered, you watch.