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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft Says Xbox 360 Has the Upper Hand on the PS3

Yeah, just keep ignoring the Wii and celebrate being a distant second.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

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seece said:
d21lewis said:
Another case of the white console trying to keep the black console down.


The 360 comes in black too ;)

and i wonder how much that token black console has sold vs the white one =P



MS is so sad.

You're beating Sony.

Do you have to say it each and every day?

It's like the guy in your group of friends that tries too hard.

You know you know that guy.

He's the loudest, and most obnoxious person in the group, and no one really likes him.

But you keep him around cause he's a sucker for picking up the tab when you go out to eat or to the bar or something.

Same thing with MS.

They talk all the time about how they're beating the PS3, and we constantly have to hear it.

But they have the cheapest system, so people just deal with the annoyances.

But MS really needs to get over themselves.

So what you're beating the PS3.

Who cares?

I guess since the Wii is number one, they have to make this generation look like some kind of victory.

Since their "First to 10 mil" thing didn't work out. lol.

IDK why I wrote like this.


Anyone else think DMJ was talking about himself? :P


DMeisterJ said:

PS fanboys are so sad.

You're making threads everyday saying PS3 is going to bury 360.

Do you have to say it each and every day?

It's like the guy in your group of friends that tries too hard.

You know you know that guy.

He's the loudest, and most obnoxious person in the group, and no one really likes him.

But you keep him around cause he's a sucker for picking up the tab when you go out and buy the PS3 for blue ray or something.

Same thing with Sony.

They talk all the time about how they're going to beat the 360, and we constantly have to hear it.

But they have the best market stragedy, so people just deal with the cheap console.

But PS fanboys really needs to get over themselves.

So what if PS3 will beat the 360.

Who cares?

I guess since the Wii is number one, they have to make this generation look like some kind of victory.

Since their "First to 10 mil" thing didn't work out. lol.

IDK why I wrote like this.



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If you think its just PS fanboys that make assumptions like those, then your greatly mistakened.


Lord N said:

Yeah, just keep ignoring the Wii and celebrate being a distant second.

As he said PS3 is 360's main rival.  That could be taken to mean they are not competing with Wii because Wii is for kids and grannies while they compete with PS3 for the same market. Or it could be taken to mean that they are not competing with Wii - well because they just can't and nothing they do will change the fact that they will sell considerably less than the Wii.  I think they refer to PS3 as their main rival for the latter reason.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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Microsoft can say whatever want to say about beating ps3 this year. However, Microsoft can never say that they won a console war.


What a pity that Wii is for everybody... Anyway Nintendo would better hoard as much cash as possible, as MS isn't afraid losing money to get what it wants, and if Sony won't react well enough next year to eventually get 2nd place (WW, in USA it's become almost impossible now), it will be Nindendo's turn to be attacked with no quarter... Although considering that even priced quite a bit lower XB 360 still sells less than Wii, I can only imagine MS giving it away for free to overtake Nintendo, but with Ballmer's lust for power you never know, he could always further cut MS employees' benefits to partially cover the losses

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Snake612 said:
Microsoft can say whatever want to say about beating ps3 this year. However, Microsoft can never say that they won a console war.

But they can say they never lost a console war. A thing that Sony is likely to not be able to say after this gen.


How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...