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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are there two versions of WiiSports?

ganondorf7799 said:
koopatrooper said:
êhm blunty i bought mine 3rd septembre and mine does eveything that his friends does


mine too...


ditto.... Iv never said that before : )

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I got mine around the time it came out. But one of my friends got it about a year later and during baseball its different.

Currently Playing: Animal Crossing: City Folk, Super Mario RPG, and The Conduit.

TWRoO said:
goddog said:
TWRoO said:
@goddog... Nintendo doesn't patch games. That and it is not a problem, just extra little scenes, why does it need a patch when it is of no use to the game.

I think from what I have read, it seems all PAL versions have the extra content anyway. but early NTSC don't have it.


Mine doesn't do the additional thing Blunty mentioned though, with the fielder picking up a ground out (no idea what that is though)


they dont patch ever? .... that seems arrogant. at some point they will slip up and ship something messed up (maybe not show stopping like tomb raider wii, but something off in it), and they should have a system in place to fix it. also why not offer downloads for the games, smash brothers seems like a game crying for downloads. 


Well doesn't patching invlove sending information to internet enabled consoles that would be stored on a hard-drive of some sort.

If Nintendo messes up they do what everyone did in the past, which is the recall any copies on shelves, and/or offer a free replacement service for those already bought... you have to realise patching is an encouragement to lazy developing, and even the X360 has barely 60% of owners connected online so it's not a be-all, end all solution anyway.

The only mess up I can think of that Nintendo made this gen was Super Paper Mario, which shipped with a word some found offensive in it (can't remember exactly) which they recalled and shipped again.

And I am mostly against any kind of download service if it costs me money, I want the game I paid for to be the full version out of the box.


why do you need a hard drive, you could use flash memory which if i remember right the wii does support, increasing the amount would allowed would just require a patch


true i do not like add ons charging money latter, but do you remember how much more fun crackdown was after its first free patch, you had the option of the second one if you wanted to pay for it. and yes it would have been nice to ship with it, but sometimes things happen mistakes are made, and thank god for patching to fix glitches, scew ups and what not

also what about exclusive content form premium versions eventually being free? as was the case for forza 2 where an email to turn ten, will get you the cars not avalible in NA, and the unicorn cars that were only avalible in small numbers over the sell market.

allowing for games to be patched is a smart move, and nintendos reluctence to set up this service will bite them in the end... 

and if you want to talk about glitches in nintendo games, look at mario 64, more than a few times, i got stuck in walls, through ground, or textures didnt pop in... that game alone kept me from picking up a game cube.... though battle tanx, golden eye, and others almost changed my mind... 

just so you dont think i hate nintendo, i love my snes, and still fire it up to play all kinds of rocking games, even my super scope 6. sadly my NES is dead, need to buy a new one, but i do have all stars  for the snes, so i can play the all time greatest mario .. mario brothers 3. I have an original game boy somewhere around my house, though i only know where the tetris that came with it is. had a wii, but gave it to my little sister as she enjoyed it more than me (shes 5, and loves the tennis game on sports)


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

What you are describing sounds like a "running change" -- and those have been around since the days of the Intellivision.

And as for the assertion that no HDD means no patching which means Nintendo will fail -- just remember that the Xbox 360 Arcade has no HDD, which means no patching either. And that console has far more of a problem with software than the Wii. And that console is about half the current 360 sales, at least according to Gamestop as quoted somewhere on VGChartz in the last couple of weeks.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


mike_intellivision said:
What you are describing sounds like a "running change" -- and those have been around since the days of the Intellivision.

And as for the assertion that no HDD means no patching which means Nintendo will fail -- just remember that the Xbox 360 Arcade has no HDD, which means no patching either. And that console has far more of a problem with software than the Wii. And that console is about half the current 360 sales, at least according to Gamestop as quoted somewhere on VGChartz in the last couple of weeks.

Mike from Morgantown


im not saying no hdd means no patching, Im saying no patching is a set up for a major problem down the road. im sure they can work out a way to patch on current hardware... while TWRoO seems to think you need an hdd to  patch, which as youve pointed out is a fallacy

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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Console games have gone without patching since, well, ever and suddendly it's a problem? No, in true, pacthing IS a problem. Do you play pc game? You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of game that work without in hitch right out of the box. Yet I can name a long list of bugged piece of sh*t until you install the first patch, sometime released weeks after the game.  True, for some game , such as Civ4, it help to be able to fix some little balance issue or others which are probably quasi impossible to spot in testing but the majority of game doesn't need these fix as they aren't as complex and hard to test for balance issue.

Allowing patching other than for new content is asking for crappy software. That way if the guy mess up then they have to pay through the nose to fix it and learn to don't f*ck it up next time.

Persons without argument hide behind their opinion

Malachi said:

Console games have gone without patching since, well, ever and suddendly it's a problem? No, in true, pacthing IS a problem. Do you play pc game? You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of game that work without in hitch right out of the box. Yet I can name a long list of bugged piece of sh*t until you install the first patch, sometime released weeks after the game.  True, for some game , such as Civ4, it help to be able to fix some little balance issue or others which are probably quasi impossible to spot in testing but the majority of game doesn't need these fix as they aren't as complex and hard to test for balance issue.

Allowing patching other than for new content is asking for crappy software. That way if the guy mess up then they have to pay through the nose to fix it and learn to don't f*ck it up next time.

and i remember many many many console games that could have been saved with a patch, even games his gen wich for some reason they deemed them not worth of patching. honestly i cant remember a stratagy game for the pc that did not launch with major balance issue. that extended to the console version of those games. patches might have saved them. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:

and i remember many many many console games that could have been saved with a patch, even games his gen wich for some reason they deemed them not worth of patching. honestly i cant remember a stratagy game for the pc that did not launch with major balance issue. that extended to the console version of those games. patches might have saved them. 

Perhaps that is because of the "we can patch it after it ships" attitude that has almost always been a problem with PC gaming.


So there is many game on console that a patch could help, I don't deny that, I just say that allowing it is just a call for mediocrity. As you say pc strategy game almost all have serious balance issue at launch, most shoother got some severe glitch (or had anyway, been a while since I played one but I doubt it got better) and let not speak of the RPG.

Do you see a trend here? Most pc games come with problems rigth out of the box, so much that I no more buy them near the launch date but month later, cheaper and the patch is out.

Don't you see a certain correlation between the ease of solving a problem after the launch of the game and the number of problem say game have at launch?

Persons without argument hide behind their opinion

I believe they did update Wii Sports - the catch was that If your Wii was online, you got the update as well.

I got my Wii at launch which means that I did all my Wii sporting in the first 3-4 months then basically haven't touched it since - then i threw it in to show a friend a few months ago and when I started a tennis match, all of a sudden we were playing on a different court than before - the second blue court that you see when doing the tennis challenges.

Can't see any other way they could have done this other than to include it in one of the firmware updates they send out.