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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Sequel was worse than the first...

Final Fantasy X-2.

Consoles Owned: XBOX 360, Wii, DS and PSP.

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If we are talking of films then I think all were worse than the first then I think all apart from Die Hard 2, American Ninja 2, Terminator 2 and maybe one more I can't remember now.

If we are talking about games Super Mario 2 will be the obvious game to mention but unlike most I quite enjoyed it. Very difficult game (unless you mastered the extra life bonus game at the end of the levels and so was able to rack in hundreds of lives like me).

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


Terminator 2 was an improvement on I in every possible way

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

Snake612 said:
NiKKoM said:
all Mortal Kombat games after 2
all Sonic games after 3
Quake 4
Devil May Cry 2
all Final Fantasy after 9.. ok 8 was also pretty bad..
Hmmm.. let me think of more..


 Final Fantasy X was good. So not every final fantasy after 9 were bad. Final Fantasy X was the last good one.

um, there has really only been one FF game... and that is 12.. 11 is not really in the series imo.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Resistance 2 > Resistance 1: Overall
Resistance 1 > Resistance 2: Offline co-op

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The more recent PES games

I personally think Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness was worse than Pokemon Colosseum

Pixel Art can be fun.

Sands of time was better then Warrior within... God of War 1 had a much better WOW effect then GoW2... MGS1 IMO was better then MGS2... Soulcalibur > Soulcalibur 2etc...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

How about The Prince of Persia's? I've only played the first one on PS2, how were the others?