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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My Tomb Raider Underworld review.

I've been a Tomb Raider player since the beginning.  There were times when I loved Lara Croft.  There were other times when I laughed with delight as that dumb bimbo fell to her death (teach you to get my hopes up with Angel of Darkness).  Well, after 7 days of mind bending puzzles, slick graphics, and intense ass watching, I finally finished the game.  Is it worth a buy?  Well, yes and no.

Graphics.  They're pretty darn sweet.  It probably didn't hurt that Lara starts off the first stage in a bathing suit either.  Crystal Dynamics know what I like, and they wanted to give it to me.  As anyone who played the demo can tell, the game is pretty.....most of the time.  There were many instances in which the game appeared to be a high res version of a PS2 game.  At other times, it rivaled PS3 fan favorite Uncharted.  Not bad, but not entirely consistant.  One thing that did persist was the troublesome camera.  I fell to my death far more times than I'd like through no fault of my own.  This has been a Tomb Raider problem since the PS1 days, though.  Even in the demo, camera flaws ran rampant so this was no surprise.  It's not a game killer, but it does hamper the fun.

Next up is the storyline.  In a word: forgetable.  Lara's motivation continue from the end of Tomb Raider Legend, but for whatever reason, I had a hard time caring.  I'd watch a cutscene, and almost instantly forget what just happened.  Strange.  Say what you will about Metal Gear or even Gears of War 2, but those games do make the player care.  In Underworld, it seems like the story was just an excuse to get the player from tomb to tomb.  Not surprising there, either.  There are a couple of cool twists near the end, but they too lack impact because NOBODY in the game is worth caring about --aside from Lara.

Gameplay is where this game shines.  If you know what to do, Lara has no problem executing your commands.  Running, climbing, tossing, and swinging are the franchise's best yet.  Near the beginning, I lamented Lara's inability to take cover during a fire fight (ala Marcus Fenix or Nathan Drake), but it this game it would have been pointless.  Most of your time is spent solving puzzles and shooting animals.  For what the game offers, the control is perfect.  And then, there's Lara's motorcycle.  I loved these scenes.  The bike handles like a dream and is definitely a highlight for the levels it appears in.

Tomb Raider fans, this game is what you expect....and that's it's biggest flaw.  It's just a bigger, prettier version of what we've been playing for years.  In a season where other games are pushing the envelope, Tomb Raider Underworld seems content to leave the envelope right where it is and sprinkle glitter on it.  The game is short (8-12 hours).  Once you realize the developer's mindstate, puzzles are a breeze.  And once the game is done, there is very little reason to go back to it (unless you start a new game, you can't even go back and replay the story!).  I was looking forward to the game, and it was fun while it lasted......but I can't recommend it at full price.  Hopefully the promised DLC will give this game new life.  For now, Lara's newest is going on the shelf.

Graphics: 8.5 -Never bad, and often times impressive.

Sound:  8.5 -Acting never annoys and the music is inobtrusive, beautiful, and totally forgetable.

Gameplay: 9.0 -If you die, it was probably your fault.....or the camera's.

Replayability: 6.0 -No reason to go back unless you are obssessed with finding all of the games hidden treasures.  Story is forgettable filler.  And, NOT ONE SINGLE BOSS FIGHT!!

Overall: 7.8   

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Good review. I've been on the fence about TR:U, and I think I'll follow your advice and wait for a price drop. So thanks for that.

Strange enough I expected at least one remark at Lara's boobies.. cause this is from d21lewis.. I'm so disappointed.. Anyway.. Good review! Nice job!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

nice review, still gonna get it. but i'll get it from my buddy's gamestore in my local flee market, he gives me a $20 discount on all new games. so i dont mind paying $40 for this game.





I rented this today... I had no doubt its a solid game...however tomb raider will never be a full price purchase for me.

Around the Network

Cool. But was it on your Wii or 360?

I played the 360 version (hence the DLC remark).