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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Should I buy Portal: Still Alive or The Orange Box?

I hate to be that guy.  You know who I'm talking about.  That guy who has been playing videogames since Pong, and is a member of a video games forum but needs advice on what to buy.  That guy who says I have a Console A, I want to buy Console A 2, but should I buy Console A 2 or System B 2.  I hate that guy.  But, here I am.

Portal: Still Alive or The Orange Box?

I played the Portal demo.  I love it.  I intend to buy it, but want the best deal.  On one hand, we have Portal on the Orange Box.  Portal is the only game I'm interested in, but the other two games are highly acclaimed.  The Achievements in Portal appear to be easier in The Orange Box too.  I can get the game for less than $30.

Or, Portal: Still Alive.  $15 gets me the enhanced version of the game.  Achievements are tougher, but I get more of what I love.  No Half Life ep 2 or Team Fortress 2, though.  Still, I have no history with those franchises, and I think I can live a pretty full life without ever playing them.

What's a man to do?


Seriously, I'm asking you.  What's a man to do?

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The Orange Box. For the current price it almost feels like an injustice for what ya get in the package but its a great set of games.

I'd say get the Orange Box for PC. Then you can download the Still Alive stuff for free, plus other user-generated material.

That's my advice. If you really want it for the 360, I'm not the man to ask.

Oh. And good decision buying portal. It's the best game of 2007, and probably 2008 as well.

This is invisible text!

If you REALLY don't want HL2 and the rest, just get Portal:SA

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

The Orange Box for 360 runs about $20 these days, so I'd say you can't go wrong shelling out an extra $5 for Portal + some (awesome) games you might or might not care for.

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The Orange Box. It costs a little more, but the additional content is so worth it. I got mine for only 20 bucks at EB Games, so I don't think you'll regret the purchase considering.

I would be more interested in Half Life 2 ep 2 if they offered Episode 1 in the deal, or simply offered Half Life 2. I feel like I'm walking into the middle of the movie without the other offerings. I know HL is a great series. I'll probably end up going with the Box. I wish I had a capable PC, though. Life would be so much easier!

Killergran said:
I'd say get the Orange Box for PC. Then you can download the Still Alive stuff for free, plus other user-generated material.

That's my advice. If you really want it for the 360, I'm not the man to ask.

Oh. And good decision buying portal. It's the best game of 2007, and probably 2008 as well.

This. PC version of Orange Box is the only answer for you.


It does, it just barely mentions it on the cover of the box.

The Orange Box comes with Half-Life2 and Episode 1 in their entirety.

I highly recommend it.  It has been the best 20 bucks I've ever spent on a video game.

Go orange at mere $20 dude.