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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Who is the best third party developer on the Wii so far?



EA wins Wii development:PS360 development ratio due to Boom Blox, and their recent effort in the Sports All Play range

Square Enix probably wins Wii Development: Gamecube Development ratio, but that's still not saying much

Capcom probably gets best overall Wii Development

Around the Network

1. Capcom: Have 3 of their games and enjoyed them all.
2. Sega: Lightgun shooters ftw!
3. Ubisoft: Shaun White is THAT good.

Next year probably:

1. Marvelous (Too much)
2. Sega (MadWorld, HotD: Overkill, Conduit)
3. Namco (Symphonia 2, Fragile)