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Forums - Sales Discussion - UNCHARTED BABY! Uncharted: Drakes Fortune moves 2 million units

ps3 games have a different sales trend to 360 games, not an absolute rule but slightly general.

its that they sell well over time.

i expect LBP R2 and Motorstorm 2 to do the same, ie sell well over time.

look at the opening week for uncharted u may have called it a flop but it wasnt.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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That's reasonable, also as it is Platinum over here in Euro (PAL Land), then sales could spike upwards. I played through this three times and still have this game, as it is still one of the best titles on PS3 (imo).

ND certainly are amongst the best coders of Sony hardware (also no massive installation, just disk caching )

I am looking forward to N.D. next title on the PS3

I still don't understand why it didn't sold 17millions yet... It's a MUST BUY for any PS3 owner, espacially since it's platinium...

If you don't have it, buy it! it's an order! You'll thank me later.

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

Skeeuk said:

ps3 games have a different sales trend to 360 games, not an absolute rule but slightly general.

its that they sell well over time.

i expect LBP R2 and Motorstorm 2 to do the same, ie sell well over time.

look at the opening week for uncharted u may have called it a flop but it wasnt.


 Except that this happens only in the imagination of sony fannatics. There's no proof whatsoever for these magical "legs" that sony-published game have. Sony still hasn't published a true hit for the ps3 after 2 years on the market (biggest NPD has been the 230k Gt5:P did !!!) and sony fans have created an imaginery world throwing ridiculous numbers all around. There's a reason that the sequel to motorstorm is a bomb and the the sequel to resistance (2 games that the original "sold" millions according to the sony fanbase) will underperform while gears 2 will be the biggest game of the holiday season . The reason is that gears 1 was actually a huge hit with "true" sales.

I've been watching the Npd and charttrack charts and there's nothing there showing amazing legs for sony-published games. If we got the top-100 NPD each month (like we used to some years ago_ all this silliness would have been put to rest.

I guess all this talk about the great "legs" ps3 exclusives have (while they quickly fall off every sales' chart in the world) makes some people sleep better at nights.


As for uncharted it has been officialy bundled with the ps3 in Europe for almost a year and despite that i really doubt the "2 million" number. 

I don't know about USA, but I've seen plenty of official Uncharted bundles in Europe (some of them add Ratchet and Clank together). They even had Uncharted's box art drawn on them.

Nevertheless, this does look like a good game.

EDIT - I just found a picture of one of the bundles:


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Sorry... imageshack isnt credible to me... you know why?

(especially since I never remember a bundle ever getting 2 controllers)

WELL DONE HUNK! I mean Nathan with that That game deserves it, now Ratchet & Clank 2 million sales please!

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

@AKA pooperscooper: I can't be the only one who saw bundles like that one. I'm not sure they were exactly like the one in that image, but I'm 100% sure there were official Uncharted bundles over here.

EDIT - here are similar images from other sites:


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

matt247 said:
CGI-Quality said:
matt247 said:
It's pretty easy to sell a lot of games when it's bundled.


Oh not this bundled BS again. You nay sayers really need some new material, this one has gotten very old. And just like Spartan asked, when was Uncharted bundled? Anyway OT: This masterpiece deserves all the sales it got and then some, Uncharted, IMO, is still the best looking console game to date with some of the best physics and animation (thanks to PS3 hardware) a current gen title can have. All in all AAA title for PS3 which already has MASSIVE anticipation of it's sequel. To my fellow PS3 bros: UNCHARTED BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was bundled a long time ago and it's being bundled again. Never said anything bad about the game, just that bundled games sell a lot. Just look at all of the other bundled games and how many copies they sold.

This is why you are wrong.

Because sony has so many different games bundled at any given time, each bundles sale will only be very limited compaired to a game that's the only bundled game for a period. For instance, here, instead of the official bundled games you can, in many instances, choose which game you would like to get with the bundle.


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I probably can't talk since I've only played the demo, but the game doesn't seem that impressive from what I've heard/played. Everytime someone says to buy it cause it has good graphics (which happens so often), it makes me even less interested in it.

I'll buy it eventually, but it's still really low-priority for me. I'd still take another Resident Evil remake over it.

PSN: Parasitic_Link