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Forums - General Discussion - WSJ: Democracy loses if Prop. 8 is overturned.

Grey Acumen said:
Gnizmo said:
Grey Acumen said:
Marriage to me is religious. If you want to give homosexual couples a civil union that grants all the legal rights and privileges of a marriage, then that's okay with me, but it is not a marriage unless it uses the religious ceremony, and making the distinction is important to maintaining the separation of church and state

 The opprtunity to keep marriage as a strictly religious idea went out the window many many years ago. You can elope and by-pass any possible religious ceremony but still end up being married. The concept is a legal one as well as a religious one in the United States. That means there should be no law discriminating against minorities that choose to marry different people. If you want to re-word the laws that specifiy marriage then go for it, but that seems like an up-hill battle to me.

I suppose I should say that it's not marriage unless it's approved by a religious institute, though of course I just shortened that to the religious ceremony, since that's the most typical manner in which that approval is given.

And uphill or not, it's a battle that is going to be, and it's the safest way to do it. The way you seem to be going is "since they gave an inch, we should just take a mile" and that just isn't going to fly.

The Ghost of RubangB said:

But what about the gay Christian churches that perform gay Christian weddings for gay Christians?  Not all gays have to be atheists.  And the law doesn't force any religious person to do anything or perform anything or recognize anything at all.  It can't, and it won't.  Gay people can go to a gay church or to a court or do it themselves in their back yard.

What about me, I'm an atheist?  Do I need to get a civil union because G-d hates me too?

A) Like I said, legitimate, calling themselves gay christians is going to be pretty rough. If they want to form a breakoff sect then I guess that's okay, but there is going to be backlash from standard christians. I think this would stand a better chance at gaining acceptance if they didn't try to throw around the "christian" term.

B) Honestly, yes, if you are an aethiest, I can hardly see how you should expect a religious ceremony, or why you would even want one. Isn't the point that you don't believe in god? Taking part in a ceremony in which you ask for God's approval and blessing, when you don't believe in god is a farce.

C) God doesn't hate you cause you're an aethiest, but how can you ask god for a favor when you don't believe he exists? I'm gonna go to my nonexistent uncle and ask him to lend me $50?


A) Legitimate gay Christian churches are everywhere, and spreading:

B) Not all weddings are religious ceremonies.  They were ways to trade ownership of land, property, and women for thousands of years.  Religious weddings are only one kind of wedding.  Marriages can also be political tools.

C) I don't ask G-d for favors.  Getting married is a social and legal institution just as much as a religious one.


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27% of Children live with a single parent.
32% of Children have parents who have been divorced.
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

The traditional family was destroyed by straight people. Now we have new types of families appearing that are loving and nurturing.

The religion and feeling argument against gay marriage is logically similar to the following:
"Of course, love and care are only acceptable if they are done the way as described in my religion or to my taste."

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Grey Acumen said:
Kasz216 said:
Couldn't a guy and woman also just get married for the tax benefits?

Yes, but again, your chances of a child still resulting from this relationship is higher. As I said, since you can't legally force people to have and raise children, all that state laws can do is encourage the action.

and no, as I said, there are differences in perspective between the genders and having both of these is important. a very basic example is how well a single father would be able to help his daughter deal with her first period, or how a single mother would be able to teach her son to pee standing up. There are other far more subtle things that are still highly important, and it's not just a matter of one gender having a better perspective for a certain situation, but that having both differening perspectives is what is important as well.

That's what you say.  However the sociological research and evidence say another thing.

I tend to believe social scientists over forum posters.


steven787 said:
27% of Children live with a single parent.
32% of Children have parents who have been divorced.
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

The traditional family was destroyed by straight people. Now we have new types of families appearing that are loving and nurturing.

The religion and feeling argument against gay marriage is logically similar to the following:
"Of course, love and care are only acceptable if they are done the way as described in my religion or to my taste."

The traditional family was destroyed by drugs and the "free love" movement, now it's trying to rebuild and it's bitch ass "scientific" studies that are getting in the way of that. You're quoting all those figures, but I could just as easily say:

73%(minus orphans) of Children live with both parent.
68% of Children have parents who have not been divorced.
The divorce rate in America goes up as the sanctity of marriage is taken more and more lightly.

Kasz216 said:

That's what you say.  However the sociological research and evidence say another thing.

I tend to believe social scientists over forum posters.

and I tend to believe that people who believe that social scientists have facts need to take a look in the mirror if they ever think that their convictions are any more valid than people who believe in religion.


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Yes, drugs, that's why people get divorced. Your a genius, I can't believe I didn't see it before.

On a more serious note.

The divorce rate in America goes up as the sanctity of marriage is taken more and more lightly.

Is it the government's job to teach us the morality of the sanctity of marriage? So now the majority opinion is supposed to teach me their morality.

That is directly in opposition to liberty.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Around the Network
steven787 said:
Yes, drugs, that's why people get divorced. Your a genius, I can't believe I didn't see it before.

On a more serious note.

The divorce rate in America goes up as the sanctity of marriage is taken more and more lightly.

Is it the government's job to teach us the morality of the sanctity of marriage? So now the majority opinion is supposed to teach me their morality.

That is directly in opposition to liberty.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.

A) don't be so damn obtuse. I said drugs and the free love movement. That was a major movement where people started throwing out personal responsibility in a relationship, and that has trickled down into society today.

B) This is exactly my point. it is NOT the government's job to teach us morality. So who does teach morality? Where are you going to get your morality from? Science? I'm sure that'll work out great. You cannot have a society without morals, and since the government cannot teach morality, they need to support those institutions who do.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
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My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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The reason the divorce rate wasn't always this high was because women weren't allowed to get divorces. The divorce rate increased when we decided that it was sexist and unfair to allow men to dump their wives whenever they felt like it, but not allow women the same freedom. So when you blame the divorce rate's increase on some social movement that you don't like, would you prefer that divorces were illegal or at least much harder to get?

What is the sanctity of marriage when people like Britney Spears can get a joke marriage as long as she's straight and gay people can't get a serious marriage that will last more than one weekend?

Grey Acumen said:
steven787 said:
Yes, drugs, that's why people get divorced. Your a genius, I can't believe I didn't see it before.

On a more serious note.

The divorce rate in America goes up as the sanctity of marriage is taken more and more lightly.

Is it the government's job to teach us the morality of the sanctity of marriage? So now the majority opinion is supposed to teach me their morality.

That is directly in opposition to liberty.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.

A) don't be so damn obtuse. I said drugs and the free love movement. That was a major movement where people started throwing out personal responsibility in a relationship, and that has trickled down into society today.

B) This is exactly my point. it is NOT the government's job to teach us morality. So who does teach morality? Where are you going to get your morality from? Science? I'm sure that'll work out great. You cannot have a society without morals, and since the government cannot teach morality, they need to support those institutions who do.

A) I would personally say the thing that destroyed the traditional family was the womans rights/feminist movement. It changed so strongly the role of a wife/mother.


B) It is not the governments job to support morals or to support institutions that do. It is the governments job to support rights and uphold the law.
Now this issue is both a moral issue and an issue of rights, morally it seems wrong to some people that homosexuals should marry, however to say that cannot is clearly discrimination against them. It is the governments job to make sure that this discrimination does not happen.

Many other issues that were decided by these 'morals' have since been overturned and seem ancient and wrong to us. Inter-racial marriage is the one most strikingly similar to homosexual marriage but there are plenty of other examples, especially concerning the rights of everyone who wasn't a white male. In general morals are not a good way to decide a law.

Also you seemed to imply that atheists are immoral. You're blatantly wrong there, we just find morality in a different way. Personally I find my morality by thinking of the impacts of my actions upon my life and the lives of others, not because God is waving a giant smite hammer over my head.


The Ghost of RubangB said:
The reason the divorce rate wasn't always this high was because women weren't allowed to get divorces. The divorce rate increased when we decided that it was sexist and unfair to allow men to dump their wives whenever they felt like it, but not allow women the same freedom. So when you blame the divorce rate's increase on some social movement that you don't like, would you prefer that divorces were illegal or at least much harder to get?

What is the sanctity of marriage when people like Britney Spears can get a joke marriage as long as she's straight and gay people can't get a serious marriage that will last more than one weekend?

So if the problem was sexism, why didn't we just go the other way and say guys couldn't get divorced either? Personally, yes, I would prefer if it were more difficult to get a divorce. maybe people would be a little more cautious abotu getting married in the first place then.

you think I somehow approve of brittany spears? She's an entirely seperate problem. Just because a bunch of pigeons have shit over my car doesn't mean I don't have a right to chase off any more pigeons that come by while I'm trying to clean my car off.

@Rath - I agree about the femenist movement issue, not that I don't think women should have equal rights, but that it was handled the entirely wrong way. Men could act like assholes in a relationship and women couldn't, but rather than push for laws that restricted men from being assholes teh same as women, they just said "hey, we wanna be assholes too!"

and what do you think the purpose of a law is? It's a guideline for the proper functioning of a society, which is comprised of morality, which is the guidelines for an individual to function in a society. You can't say that one has nothing to do with the other.

Also, I don't assume that aethiest have no morals, but you seem to think that the morals of a religious person are only based on fear and are somehow invalidated by this erroneous assumption.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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I_Heart_Nintendo said:
Grey Acumen. Just because you say its a choice, and that is what you were taught at sunday school by some kiddie-fiddlers, does not mean that it is true.

You never hear actual gay people saying "its a choice" its always straight people who say that, apart from the few uncle toms who have supposedly been "cured" of homosexuality. People tell themselves homosexuality is a choice in order to justify their own bigotry to themselves.