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Grey Acumen said:
steven787 said:
Yes, drugs, that's why people get divorced. Your a genius, I can't believe I didn't see it before.

On a more serious note.

The divorce rate in America goes up as the sanctity of marriage is taken more and more lightly.

Is it the government's job to teach us the morality of the sanctity of marriage? So now the majority opinion is supposed to teach me their morality.

That is directly in opposition to liberty.

If liberty isn't guaranteed for all, then no one truly has it.

A) don't be so damn obtuse. I said drugs and the free love movement. That was a major movement where people started throwing out personal responsibility in a relationship, and that has trickled down into society today.

B) This is exactly my point. it is NOT the government's job to teach us morality. So who does teach morality? Where are you going to get your morality from? Science? I'm sure that'll work out great. You cannot have a society without morals, and since the government cannot teach morality, they need to support those institutions who do.

A) I would personally say the thing that destroyed the traditional family was the womans rights/feminist movement. It changed so strongly the role of a wife/mother.


B) It is not the governments job to support morals or to support institutions that do. It is the governments job to support rights and uphold the law.
Now this issue is both a moral issue and an issue of rights, morally it seems wrong to some people that homosexuals should marry, however to say that cannot is clearly discrimination against them. It is the governments job to make sure that this discrimination does not happen.

Many other issues that were decided by these 'morals' have since been overturned and seem ancient and wrong to us. Inter-racial marriage is the one most strikingly similar to homosexual marriage but there are plenty of other examples, especially concerning the rights of everyone who wasn't a white male. In general morals are not a good way to decide a law.

Also you seemed to imply that atheists are immoral. You're blatantly wrong there, we just find morality in a different way. Personally I find my morality by thinking of the impacts of my actions upon my life and the lives of others, not because God is waving a giant smite hammer over my head.