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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Monolith Soft has ideas for Disaster 2, and ready to make new Baten Kaitos

Disaster needs to come to the U.S, but it's unlikely.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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if I was nintendo i want to bring out a core game each month. so maybe laucnh disastyer in january, S&P2 in february then punchout in march and maybe trace memory in april. that game is launching january 22 in japan. same day as fragile:D

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


RolStoppable said:
New Baten Kaitos, hell yeah.

New Disaster, no. Not that the game was bad, but what kind of new things could they put into a sequel?

Some marketing.


New Baten Kaitos would be awesome.

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