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Forums - Sony Discussion - TR : U sells more on PS3

One reason I bought the game for the 360 is because I like playing games, and looking at half-naked chicks while doing it. This is just one step closer to my porn game of yore.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Is this "OTHERS" only???

4 ≈ One

Infamous said:
Staude said:
Infamous said:
CGI-Quality said:
Staude said:
Infamous said:
CGI-Quality said:
goddog said:
I think the bigger question this raises is why are people buying this game anyway... there are better games to play.... or maybe not on the ps3? heh

Wow you guys are getting more and more creative as time goes on.




Look who's talking, ROFL.

You're sitting here raged about 2 people (me being I made a mistake, realized it but was corrected before I got to edit, and posted on that, and that was that, and this other guy who is trolling Tomb Raider in general) meanwhile dozens of PS3 fanboys are desperetely trolling other Pro-M$ topics. And topics, btw, that have nothing to do with a minimal sale difference in one region.

Ironic much?


I find your nickname compared to your dislike for sony ironic. In more than one way.


well i doubt i'll be getting it... was never much of a tomb raider person and uncharted is just on a whole other level :P

lol @ Staude, yeah Infamous doesn't even realize that he contradicted himself here but oh well. And how am I raged Infamous, I find it hysterical that you say PS3 fans make excuses yet you've thrown out excuses for why TRU (PS3) sold more than the 360 version, see as how it's NO BIG DEAL, get over it!!!



Sorry, you fail. I'm contradicting myself because of my name? ROFL, so just because Sony has an unhyped IP in the works with that name, I'm not allowed to have it if it isn't in association with said IP? Infamous is a word, look it up. I made it because it has something to do with my XBL and PSN name, and also it's an alias I use on *most* gaming forums. Infamous (game) isn't even mainstream, I follow multiple gaming sites and it's hardly mentioned, only a site like VGCharts will have people attack my nickname and try to spin it in their favor. I just don't understand it.

Are you that desperate that you have to throw out my insults back at me, without even trying to change it up a little? How am I making excuses, if all I did was lol@thread and make a mistake that Rol corrected before I can? And that was that, but you didn't stop. I'm making excuses, yet you're the one saying install base, etc? Try harder.

If it's no big deal, why are you up my ass? Seems to be very important for someone who claims it's no big deal. We can keep going back and forth, I don't mind, but you're a waste of my time.

you didn't find it ironic ?

Your hate for sony will quickly make you infamous among certain groups and thers a game being made by the manufactorer of their console of choice that shares your name ?.. that's not irony ?


I didn't attack your name and neither did he. Infact if you read through it what he meant was that you claimed other people were making excuses while you are the one who seems to be doing it the most.

That is also irony ;)


My hate for Sony will make me infamous? LMFAO. Jesus Christ, how sad are you?

Stop trying to throw what I say back at me, that stopped working after second grade.

"You're stupid."

"No, YOU'RE stupid.."

Just give it up, rofl.


you don't really have any humor do you :(

oh well. You might be able to get a book on it somewhere. Very well.. Suit yourself. I'm done wasting time on you when you clearly can't comprihend the meaning of the words that i type out.


Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
Infamous said:
Staude said:
Infamous said:
CGI-Quality said:
Staude said:
Infamous said:
CGI-Quality said:
goddog said:
I think the bigger question this raises is why are people buying this game anyway... there are better games to play.... or maybe not on the ps3? heh

Wow you guys are getting more and more creative as time goes on.




Look who's talking, ROFL.

You're sitting here raged about 2 people (me being I made a mistake, realized it but was corrected before I got to edit, and posted on that, and that was that, and this other guy who is trolling Tomb Raider in general) meanwhile dozens of PS3 fanboys are desperetely trolling other Pro-M$ topics. And topics, btw, that have nothing to do with a minimal sale difference in one region.

Ironic much?


I find your nickname compared to your dislike for sony ironic. In more than one way.


well i doubt i'll be getting it... was never much of a tomb raider person and uncharted is just on a whole other level :P

lol @ Staude, yeah Infamous doesn't even realize that he contradicted himself here but oh well. And how am I raged Infamous, I find it hysterical that you say PS3 fans make excuses yet you've thrown out excuses for why TRU (PS3) sold more than the 360 version, see as how it's NO BIG DEAL, get over it!!!



Sorry, you fail. I'm contradicting myself because of my name? ROFL, so just because Sony has an unhyped IP in the works with that name, I'm not allowed to have it if it isn't in association with said IP? Infamous is a word, look it up. I made it because it has something to do with my XBL and PSN name, and also it's an alias I use on *most* gaming forums. Infamous (game) isn't even mainstream, I follow multiple gaming sites and it's hardly mentioned, only a site like VGCharts will have people attack my nickname and try to spin it in their favor. I just don't understand it.

Are you that desperate that you have to throw out my insults back at me, without even trying to change it up a little? How am I making excuses, if all I did was lol@thread and make a mistake that Rol corrected before I can? And that was that, but you didn't stop. I'm making excuses, yet you're the one saying install base, etc? Try harder.

If it's no big deal, why are you up my ass? Seems to be very important for someone who claims it's no big deal. We can keep going back and forth, I don't mind, but you're a waste of my time.

you didn't find it ironic ?

Your hate for sony will quickly make you infamous among certain groups and thers a game being made by the manufactorer of their console of choice that shares your name ?.. that's not irony ?


I didn't attack your name and neither did he. Infact if you read through it what he meant was that you claimed other people were making excuses while you are the one who seems to be doing it the most.

That is also irony ;)


My hate for Sony will make me infamous? LMFAO. Jesus Christ, how sad are you?

Stop trying to throw what I say back at me, that stopped working after second grade.

"You're stupid."

"No, YOU'RE stupid.."

Just give it up, rofl.


you don't really have any humor do you :(

oh well. You might be able to get a book on it somewhere. Very well.. Suit yourself. I'm done wasting time on you when you clearly can't comprihend the meaning of the words that i type out.


Sigh. Now you're trying to spin it so it seems you were just joking around the whole time, you're good. I'll give you that. :(


You're annoying, you throw out insults not realizing how ironic it is that you're contradicting your own statements from things you wrote in this post, and after reading some of your other posts, it seems other posts as well. Who said TR sucks? The only thing I read from people in this post was that they were too busy buying all of these other 360 games to worry about a game like TR, and one guy trolled TR in general, and I called him out for it. But did I agree with those other guys? No. Stop trying to get the last word by nit-picking. For someone that said this isn't a big deal, you seem to care greatly. Also, way to ignore my last response post and cherry-pick bbsin's comment. GG. I'm done here, you can keep posting if you want.


Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

So it was true...


In others :

Tomb Raider: Underworld
Eidos Interactive 1 80,009 80,009
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Eidos Interactive 1 44,225 44,225

Around the Network

Nice to see PS3 games finally out sell the 360 version,but its in others.

KylieDog said:

The complete lack of boss fights was also a downer, as well as the last few levels combat being ruined because they give you a 1-hit kill unlimited use weapon.

+1, I personally had much more fun on Uncharted though.


Same thing in America :


Tomb Raider: Underworld
Eidos Interactive 1 55,547 55,547
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Eidos Interactive 1 40,176 40,176

I wonder what Eidos thinks now when they gave 360 version exclusive demo and dlc.


Trust me, M$ let Eidos get as much or even more money than they would have earned with PS3 DLC. Otherwise they are quite dumb.

I think Eidos had already known TR:U would sell better on PS3 before they concluded the contract about the DLC and the demo exclusiveness with M$. Tomb Raider has always been more successful in Europe and on PlayStation.