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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: The Wii Isn't An Online Connected Platform

Tyrannical said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Tyrannical said:
How's that stereo sound Wii GHIII patch coming along?
Online console, getting game updates should be no problem.

Um... DUDE, they sent those replacement discs out over 8 months ago...


That was the point, they had to send replacement discs.


That's because the Wii has no harddrive. Not because it has no online.

And I think patching is one of the worst things, which happened to console gaming.

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hentai_11 said:
Tyrannical said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Tyrannical said:
How's that stereo sound Wii GHIII patch coming along?
Online console, getting game updates should be no problem.

Um... DUDE, they sent those replacement discs out over 8 months ago...


That was the point, they had to send replacement discs.


That's because the Wii has no harddrive. Not because it has no online.

And I think patching is one of the worst things, which happened to console gaming.


 Buggy game and no patch is worse.

Buggy game and a few months delay for a replacement disc is a close second.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

lazyrider said:
It is true that Xbox live is awesome and the Wii online service (free!) isn't really on par. But, with MKWii and recently COD:WAW (which I was one of the few to prucchase on the Wii), I have really loved the online experience proposed by Nintendo; online is a real part of games and brings a lot to the games that use it intelligently.

And of course WiiWare and VC have been great.


having played mario kart and SSBB,  i have to say that the wii online capabilities don't hold a candle to XBL or PSN....I have a hard time viewing this whole post really valid. While it is 'opinion' if transcribed to fact,  you would have lost all you're credit right there.

Mario Kart has so many ways to cheat online with no hack prevention, SSBB is laggy as having a 56k modem and something we all know, but single handedly prove my point. Friend codes.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

@Tyrannical: That's the problem. In the last generations the developers couldn't release buggy games, because patching on consoles was not possible. Today it seems they don't pay very much for quality assurance and release the games too fast, because patching is possible.

For conclusions: If patching was not possible, than developers with buggy games would go out of business. (And they deserve it.)

hentai_11 said:
Tyrannical said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Tyrannical said:
How's that stereo sound Wii GHIII patch coming along?
Online console, getting game updates should be no problem.

Um... DUDE, they sent those replacement discs out over 8 months ago...


That was the point, they had to send replacement discs.


That's because the Wii has no harddrive. Not because it has no online.

And I think patching is one of the worst things, which happened to console gaming.

Are you fricken kidding me??? Patching is the complete opposite of what you said. If the game is buggy or something is screwed up then they can actually FIX it with a 4 -5 minute download instead of having to send a complete disc like with GH3 or doing absolutly nothing at all and having people complain or eventually stop playing earlier. I'm sorry but my god this thread is filled with some of the most asinine posts i have seen in a while.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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Sorry, but I still prefer to play a non buggy game from the start.

Patching makes developers lazy, because they can still repair the stuff afterwards.

Besides, there are still enough gamers, who have no online. For these gamers downloadable patches are absolutely useless.

soulsamurai said: b>
lazyrider said:
It is true that Xbox live is awesome and the Wii online service (free!) isn't really on par. But, with MKWii and recently COD:WAW (which I was one of the few to prucchase on the Wii), I have really loved the online experience proposed by Nintendo; online is a real part of games and brings a lot to the games that use it intelligently.

And of course WiiWare and VC have been great.


having played mario kart and SSBB,  i have to say that the wii online capabilities don't hold a candle to XBL or PSN....I have a hard time viewing this whole post really valid. While it is 'opinion' if transcribed to fact,  you would have lost all you're credit right there.

Mario Kart has so many ways to cheat online with no hack prevention, SSBB is laggy as having a 56k modem and something we all know, but single handedly prove my point. Friend codes.

I totally agree. Nintendo failed at online for these two titles.  And they are their hugest multiplayer games. You also forgot no voice chat, crappy random matchmaking, and a lack of customization. Unforgivable.


KichiVerde said:
soulsamurai said: b>
lazyrider said:
It is true that Xbox live is awesome and the Wii online service (free!) isn't really on par. But, with MKWii and recently COD:WAW (which I was one of the few to prucchase on the Wii), I have really loved the online experience proposed by Nintendo; online is a real part of games and brings a lot to the games that use it intelligently.

And of course WiiWare and VC have been great.


having played mario kart and SSBB,  i have to say that the wii online capabilities don't hold a candle to XBL or PSN....I have a hard time viewing this whole post really valid. While it is 'opinion' if transcribed to fact,  you would have lost all you're credit right there.

Mario Kart has so many ways to cheat online with no hack prevention, SSBB is laggy as having a 56k modem and something we all know, but single handedly prove my point. Friend codes.

I totally agree. Nintendo failed at online for these two titles.  And they are their hugest multiplayer games. You also forgot no voice chat, crappy random matchmaking, and a lack of customization. Unforgivable.



With SSBB I'am not sure if it is just server problems or a bug with the game itself.

With Mario Kart though this is something we can use with my point of patches. Mario kart CAN be patched if the wii had a hard drive, AND it could be fun to play online. However with the utter lack of one it will continue to blow. Hey it is fun, but everytime i play that game about 20 minutes into have someone using some sort of hack. I don't even own the game and im playing at someone elses house and i see this's not like i have had hours and hours and some guy ruined it. Its every time we pop it in.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

The Wiis online is a million times better than that of Xbox. How can you compare paying £50 a year to get shot at by teenagers to 12 player online racing in Mario Kart for free? If you paid for Wii online then you could argue that Live is better. As it is I don't see how that argument can be maintained.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


tuoyo said:
The Wiis online is a million times better than that of Xbox. How can you compare paying £50 a year to get shot at by teenagers to 12 player online racing in Mario Kart for free? If you paid for Wii online then you could argue that Live is better. As it is I don't see how that argument can be maintained.


.........I' am going to to take this post as sarcasm.

If not you want to exlude live because of pricing, then in that case PSN is an atom bomb while wii online sparkler.


This is something that shouldn't even be argued, even fanboys know that wii's online is absymal compared to the other two systems.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2