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KichiVerde said:
soulsamurai said: b>
lazyrider said:
It is true that Xbox live is awesome and the Wii online service (free!) isn't really on par. But, with MKWii and recently COD:WAW (which I was one of the few to prucchase on the Wii), I have really loved the online experience proposed by Nintendo; online is a real part of games and brings a lot to the games that use it intelligently.

And of course WiiWare and VC have been great.


having played mario kart and SSBB,  i have to say that the wii online capabilities don't hold a candle to XBL or PSN....I have a hard time viewing this whole post really valid. While it is 'opinion' if transcribed to fact,  you would have lost all you're credit right there.

Mario Kart has so many ways to cheat online with no hack prevention, SSBB is laggy as having a 56k modem and something we all know, but single handedly prove my point. Friend codes.

I totally agree. Nintendo failed at online for these two titles.  And they are their hugest multiplayer games. You also forgot no voice chat, crappy random matchmaking, and a lack of customization. Unforgivable.



With SSBB I'am not sure if it is just server problems or a bug with the game itself.

With Mario Kart though this is something we can use with my point of patches. Mario kart CAN be patched if the wii had a hard drive, AND it could be fun to play online. However with the utter lack of one it will continue to blow. Hey it is fun, but everytime i play that game about 20 minutes into have someone using some sort of hack. I don't even own the game and im playing at someone elses house and i see this's not like i have had hours and hours and some guy ruined it. Its every time we pop it in.

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