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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom: Street Fighter games not possible on Wii, due to it's controls.

Meh, who cares.

I'm far more interested in Tatsunoko vs Capcom coming to NA in one form or another. They can put Street Fighter 4 on the GameGear for all I care.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Mortal Kombat > Street Fighter = confirmed at last!

K, for the final time:

-Street Fighter uses four face buttons and two shoulder buttons.

-4 d-pad buttons=face buttons
-A = face button (for special attacks only?)
-B Trigger=Shoulder button

-2 shoulder buttons

So, on top of already having MORE traditionally-placed buttons than this series needs (not including 1 and 2 for obvious reasons), the Wii-Mote THEN has infinite possibities for immersive motion-based attacks.

I mean, what Street Fighter fan wouldn't want to (have the option to) chuck a Hadoken by throwing his fists together in front of him!

This guy's blowing smoke--I hope Tatsunoko comes out here and is good.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

What Wii owner who WOULD buy SFIV doesn't own a Classic or GC controller

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

famousringo said:
Meh, who cares.

I'm far more interested in Tatsunoko vs Capcom coming to NA in one form or another. They can put Street Fighter 4 on the GameGear for all I care.


 SFIV is goona be AWESOME!

Tvs.C might be released in NA. but it wont arrive anytime soon.

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So, they got tired of using the graphic excuses???

Um, 100% of the Wii owners do NOT have a nunchuck. The excuse is complete nonsense and the GC and classic controllers apparently do not exsist. Whatever, these stupid excuses just annoy me. Just say that you have no plans to bring it over, if that's the case, and let that be the end of it.

Here is my GlovePie script for when playing the Wiimote+Nunchuk with Mugen. Unfortunetly I didn't feel like binding it to the PPJoy and instead bound it to the keyboard. The keyboard isn't as good, but good enough. I will comment my the sections to clarify what is going on.


The 6 key attack are

[L ; '] L, semicolon, apostrphe for the punches, [ , . / ] comma, period, slash for kicks. I decided that double button presses are ok for 2 main reasons. Some fighers  do use 2 buttons for harder attacks and that Heavy attack is best used on open or end of attack chains.
Key.L = Wiimote1.A   // light punch
Key.Semicolon = Wiimote1.B  // medium punch
Key.Apostrophe = Wiimote1.A && Wiimote1.B  // heavy punch, A+B
Key.Apostrophe = Wiimote.RelAcc > 20            // or shake the Wiimote
Key.Comma = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.CButton      // light kick
Key.Period = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.ZButton         // medium kick
Key.Slash = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.CButton && Wiimote1.Nunchuk.ZButton  // heavy kick
Key.Slash = Wiimote.Nunchuk.RelAcc > 20      // or shake the chuck



This takes in the Nunchucks input and binds into some variables. This is just for examining the data values. This is done mostly to play around with the fact that the analog stick is multi value while the keyboard is digital.

var.StickX = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyX
var.StickY = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyY
if var.StickX < -1.0
  var.StickX = var.StickX + 0.4



This checks the previously gathered analog values and then reoutpus them into a binary true false.
// Here I set the nunchuk so it corresponts with my direction keys. 
Right = 1 > var.StickX > 0.55
Left = -1 < var.StickX < -0.55
down = 1 > var.StickY > 0.55
up = -1 < var.StickY < -0.65


Basic Start and Select/Escape keys

// Bind some keys to the mote, you ..can bind your own. 
Enter = Wiimote.Plus
Key.Escape = Wiimote.Minus



ok heres the out come of using this for weeks. Theres a learning curve. Much like many peoples first time using an analog stick. It's soon and easily overcome. The down point of the above script isn't the Wiimote, but instead of a lazy jackass(me) who doesn't care enough to get the joystick working for Mugen. Is the game playable, extremly so. Is the game fun well the controls don't take away from it. So for those of you who haven't played it and are claiming it's "impossible". Stop heres your code above. Get your self a copy of Mugen, SF pack  , borrow a Wiimote+Chuk and Blue Tooth and give it a whirl. Otherwise it's time to close that argument, because you don't know what your talking about. Your just being biased.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

@Clerk: How come? Nunchuck comes in the box.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

clerk said:
Um, 100% of the Wii owners do NOT have a nunchuck. The excuse is complete nonsense and the GC and classic controllers apparently do not exsist. Whatever, these stupid excuses just annoy me. Just say that you have no plans to bring it over, if that's the case, and let that be the end of it.

capcom has no plans porting it to wii, yet. I say wait about 2 to 3 years.