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Forums - Sales Discussion - OTHERS NUMBERS IN : huge hurting on ps3

riazor69 said:
PS3 not doing terribly against 360 when comparing revenue rather than units sold.

Example using GBP
PS3 sales 131k @ 290 GBP = £38 mil revenue
360 sales 230k @ 150 GBP = £34.5 mil revenue

(150 GBP is rough average based on blended sales of Arcades, 60Gb, Elites)

Don't forget to subtract the costs


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Max King of the Wild said:
kirby007 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
whatever said:
ZenfoldorVGI said: 

Yes, VGChartz is independant confirmation. It's a little rediculious to believe that both sources are lying because the results dont' necessarily meet one's hopes.

Has nothing to do with "hope".  The 360 has been overtracked many times here in the past.  It crossed the 20 million barrier about 4 times.  I guess we'll see come financial reports time.


 People seem to forget last year Ps3 was undertracked by 500k when financials came in. Thats why the Ps3 recieved a HUGE adjustment earlier this year to make the lead 6.5mil instead of 7mil... this could happen again or it could show the 360 being overtracked/undertracked... vgchartz isnt the know all say all source.

and it can happen the other way around, so this doesn't make sense

 you responding to my post and saying the same exact thing I said doesnt make sense


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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What the hell? The Wii is RAPING the PS3 and 360. I remember the days where there was a 30k difference between PS3 and Wii, now it's a 300k difference. I knew the Sonyland strongholds were falling but...damn, Nintendo is making it look easy to conquer Europe.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

kirby007 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
kirby007 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
whatever said:
ZenfoldorVGI said: 

Yes, VGChartz is independant confirmation. It's a little rediculious to believe that both sources are lying because the results dont' necessarily meet one's hopes.

Has nothing to do with "hope".  The 360 has been overtracked many times here in the past.  It crossed the 20 million barrier about 4 times.  I guess we'll see come financial reports time.


 People seem to forget last year Ps3 was undertracked by 500k when financials came in. Thats why the Ps3 recieved a HUGE adjustment earlier this year to make the lead 6.5mil instead of 7mil... this could happen again or it could show the 360 being overtracked/undertracked... vgchartz isnt the know all say all source.

and it can happen the other way around, so this doesn't make sense

 you responding to my post and saying the same exact thing I said doesnt make sense



 huh... (did you take your meds today)

15/22 Novembre 2008 GfK France:

DS 85 000
Wii 60 000
PS3 27 000
X360 16 000
PS2 14 000
PSP 11 000


Console Weekly Total
DS 96,347 6,384,307
Wii 70,651 2,838,524
Xbox360 26,505 994,190
PS3 18,285 1,152,128
PSP 11,240 1,853,848
PS2 8,003 6,123,602

... LOL

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Checking adjustments:
Wii: +231 741
PS3: +20 654
360: +15 510

So the Wii got a somewhat big adjustment, while PS360 got a minor one.

This is invisible text!

BoleroOfFire said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

I believe that the best 4 weeks November the Ps2 has ever had is 2758K (2002) and 1320K in Others (2003).

Current Wii sales for 3 last weeks: 965K

If Wii pulls another week like this, it will beat the Ps2's best November ever in Others!

For WW, Wii also has a decent change. It is at 1660K for the last 2 weeks + this week's Others. So we could see ~ 500K more this week, and then 600K next week should be piece of cake (is it Black Friday?).

And as DS is also beating the Wii (or at least comming pretty darn close), it looks like it too will.


I don't think the Wii sales will be affected that much by Black Friday.  Traditionally, that's a day in which sought-after electronics and other high demand items are sharply discounted.  As you know Nintendo will not drop the price.  Of course, the hordes of shoppers could hope for a price drop and buy one anyway while they're at the store so I could be completely wrong.  


Well, the case is that a lot of people go shopping on BF. So retailers would generally have stocked up some extras. Nintendo would also want to supply extra for the week. So I think that there is no change of less than 300K in Americas, and as 250K is a shoe in for Others (360K needed to beat Ps2's November), I cannot see the Wii not beating the Ps2's best November WW (and 2002 Others is also certain, 2003 Others maybe not).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Okie dokie, time to update my signature.

Im saying this first to get it out of the way.

I don't really believe these numbers, I just can't accept personally that the Xbox 360 can lead the PS3 by this much at this time. It may be right, it may not be but its hard for me to accept them anyway.


360 sales got exploded
cant wait to see its WW sales this week
poor PS3,what else has it got for the rest of the year to boost its sales
or it will stay at this level for the rest of the year?

So now its coming down to people predicting adjustments?

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach