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BoleroOfFire said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

I believe that the best 4 weeks November the Ps2 has ever had is 2758K (2002) and 1320K in Others (2003).

Current Wii sales for 3 last weeks: 965K

If Wii pulls another week like this, it will beat the Ps2's best November ever in Others!

For WW, Wii also has a decent change. It is at 1660K for the last 2 weeks + this week's Others. So we could see ~ 500K more this week, and then 600K next week should be piece of cake (is it Black Friday?).

And as DS is also beating the Wii (or at least comming pretty darn close), it looks like it too will.


I don't think the Wii sales will be affected that much by Black Friday.  Traditionally, that's a day in which sought-after electronics and other high demand items are sharply discounted.  As you know Nintendo will not drop the price.  Of course, the hordes of shoppers could hope for a price drop and buy one anyway while they're at the store so I could be completely wrong.  


Well, the case is that a lot of people go shopping on BF. So retailers would generally have stocked up some extras. Nintendo would also want to supply extra for the week. So I think that there is no change of less than 300K in Americas, and as 250K is a shoe in for Others (360K needed to beat Ps2's November), I cannot see the Wii not beating the Ps2's best November WW (and 2002 Others is also certain, 2003 Others maybe not).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS