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they are holding back and awaiting on the competition then they will probably pounce.  I would love to see more info on BD2 and LO2 but also see how Cry On's action RPG turns out

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thibje said:

Come on what is taking them so long to announce something new?

I really like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey it are pretty good games.

We heard something about Cry on? I also remember a story of the boss of Xbox Japan where he stated that Blue Dragon 2 is in development. So why haven't we heard something of them it has been a year since Lost Odyssey has been released.

Have they broke up with Microsoft?

Mistwalker has always been light on details, and heavy on quality work. They have around 2 titles that should come to consoles in the works right now. Microsoft said that there were tons of unannounced projects slated for 09 - I wouldn't be suprised if we saw a Mistwalker JRPG in the Christmas 09 slot for Japan - where Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and The Last Remnant were at for the past 3 years.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Just be patient people. If they brought something out now people would complain they weren't taking their time.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Microsoft own Mistwalker and their entire building. They fund them. So calm down people. M$ havent nedded to announce an internal project for the Japanese orientated game, becuase funny enough Squar Enix are doing that for M$ and 360 with their 360 games at the moment. Once Star Ocean is out I gurantee they will start to plug Cry ON, BD2 and LO2 heavily. It will keep the Japanese interested all through 09 early 10 then.

Cry on is still in the work but after Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey I can't really say that I am going to be happy with their next announcement.

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konnichiwa said:
Cry on is still in the work but after Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey I can't really say that I am going to be happy with their next announcement.

Cry-On is still coming, and Sakaguchi is working on another project which may be for the X360. Microsoft has a decent bit of Japanese-centric exclusives in 09 with Star Ocean: TLH and N3-2, so there's no need to announce another big-budget JRPG when you already have a few others that need the marketing, for now.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
konnichiwa said:
Cry on is still in the work but after Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey I can't really say that I am going to be happy with their next announcement.

Cry-On is still coming, and Sakaguchi is working on another project which may be for the X360. Microsoft has a decent bit of Japanese-centric exclusives in 09 with Star Ocean: TLH and N3-2, so there's no need to announce another big-budget JRPG when you already have a few others that need the marketing, for now.



 Mistwalker are here because M$ fund them. The only console a Mistwalker game will be on IS 360.

Mistwalker Corporation (ミストウォーカー Misutowōkā?) is a Japanese video game development studio started by Hironobu Sakaguchi (the creator of the popular Final Fantasy series) in 2004 with the financial backing of Microsoft.