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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I (finally) bought a PS3 game...

BottledSpringWater said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Derixs said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.


 Well that would be your opinion on the game. Many people dont think Portal is a shit game, or Half Life 2. I bought this because if has 5 games for 19.99 and I do enjoy playing TF2...


 I don't think Portal is a shit game... I love it. Half-Life 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Those games are just shit on consoles.

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)

You talk out of your ass.

How is Orange Box on consoles 'shit'?




Well, I said it in that bolded part of that quote, let me copy and paste:

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)

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Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.

I own The Orange Box for PC AND for 360. I can tell you that you should better shut up.


Just look at the Metacritic score. Nuff said


Why do you have both versions?  Particularly when (although the 360 is good) the PC version remains miles ahead.

OT - pls don't post unless it has at least some merit.  You buy a game released ages ago, one that anyone with any interest enough to be on the site (I'd hope) knows had a relatively poor PS3 port, an okay 360 port and is first and foremost a PC flagship title... then point out you returned the PS3 version to get 360... what's your point?

Are you saying this proves 360 is better console?  That you don't know much about relatively quality of multiplatform games?  That EA suck?

Okay I'm being unreasonable, but this post deserves it!  I don't know why I open these '...' posts, I really don't.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

SamuelRSmith said:
BottledSpringWater said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Derixs said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.


 Well that would be your opinion on the game. Many people dont think Portal is a shit game, or Half Life 2. I bought this because if has 5 games for 19.99 and I do enjoy playing TF2...


 I don't think Portal is a shit game... I love it. Half-Life 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Those games are just shit on consoles.

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)

You talk out of your ass.

How is Orange Box on consoles 'shit'?




Well, I said it in that bolded part of that quote, let me copy and paste:

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)


Have you played the console version?  I haven't played the Ps3 version, but the 360 version is quite good, especially if you don't have a computer that can run the games at higher settings.  I haven't wasted my time with TF2 since I completely agree that it's better on PC, but HL2, Epidode 1 and 2, and Portal are great on the consoles too.  Even the framerate is good.

As for load times, they're bad on the PC too and luckily now you can install the games and from what I hear they pretty significally cut down on load times.

Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.

As I own The Orange Box for PC AND for 360. I can tell you that you should better shut up.


Just look at the Metacritic score. Nuff said

You should check my game collection.

I did and you should know that Valve made a great port and the controls are very good like almost every console FPS. Loading times are on the PC annoying too and I had never any problems with the framerate.

Team Fortress 2 is getting a patch which makes it equal to the PC version this christmas (no user content of course)


There is no better deal you can get for $20. 3 AAA games and 2 expansions.


 Well, I should take into account the specs of computers, but load time on my machine is extremely fast, compared to an age on the console versions. The 360 game ran terribly for me, particularly on some of the later levels of HL2 (I didn't bother with Ep1/2), like Nova Prospekt, and the beach level before it, the drop was terrible.

I'm also inclined to believe (though don't quote me on this) that the console versions are capped at 30fps, anyways.

And just how "equal" are we talking, here?

Derixs said:
Torillian said:
Orange Box better on 360? Sweet jesus....when did this come out? I haven't known about this for since the game came out. Oh wait.....I did. Apparently you need to do more research so you won't be so "surprised"


 I am not gonna waste time researching an old game when I can easily exchange it in the store. Just posting about my purchase.

Sounds like you wasted far more time exchanging it.

5 minutes of internet research would have yielded enough information to enlighten you as to the terrible port job EA did with The Orange Box.

Also, is this really thread worthy?


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twesterm said:
SamuelRSmith said:
BottledSpringWater said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Derixs said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.


 Well that would be your opinion on the game. Many people dont think Portal is a shit game, or Half Life 2. I bought this because if has 5 games for 19.99 and I do enjoy playing TF2...


 I don't think Portal is a shit game... I love it. Half-Life 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Those games are just shit on consoles.

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)

You talk out of your ass.

How is Orange Box on consoles 'shit'?




Well, I said it in that bolded part of that quote, let me copy and paste:

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)


Have you played the console version?  I haven't played the Ps3 version, but the 360 version is quite good, especially if you don't have a computer that can run the games at higher settings.  I haven't wasted my time with TF2 since I completely agree that it's better on PC, but HL2, Epidode 1 and 2, and Portal are great on the consoles too.  Even the framerate is good.

As for load times, they're bad on the PC too and luckily now you can install the games and from what I hear they pretty significally cut down on load times.


 Yes, I have played the console version. I own the 360 one, and played the PS3 version for quite some time. I definatly experienced slow down on the 360 version in some of the later parts of the game... though it seems now that I'm the only one.

Portal is essentially the same, yeah, but without the precision of the mouse.

SamuelRSmith said:
twesterm said:
SamuelRSmith said:
BottledSpringWater said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Derixs said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.


 Well that would be your opinion on the game. Many people dont think Portal is a shit game, or Half Life 2. I bought this because if has 5 games for 19.99 and I do enjoy playing TF2...


 I don't think Portal is a shit game... I love it. Half-Life 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Those games are just shit on consoles.

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)

You talk out of your ass.

How is Orange Box on consoles 'shit'?




Well, I said it in that bolded part of that quote, let me copy and paste:

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)


Have you played the console version?  I haven't played the Ps3 version, but the 360 version is quite good, especially if you don't have a computer that can run the games at higher settings.  I haven't wasted my time with TF2 since I completely agree that it's better on PC, but HL2, Epidode 1 and 2, and Portal are great on the consoles too.  Even the framerate is good.

As for load times, they're bad on the PC too and luckily now you can install the games and from what I hear they pretty significally cut down on load times.


 Yes, I have played the console version. I own the 360 one, and played the PS3 version for quite some time. I definatly experienced slow down on the 360 version in some of the later parts of the game... though it seems now that I'm the only one.

Portal is essentially the same, yeah, but without the precision of the mouse.


Have you tried clearing your cache?  That seems to work for a lot of random things.  I didn't play all the way through HL2, but I played Episide 1 and some of 2 and I don't remember any significant slowdowns (some hiccups but I get that even on the PC).

As for the controls, that's just preference.  I greatly prefer controllers because keyboards are always a pain in the ass for lefties (or at least always have been for me).

^Hehe, I'm a lefty, too. The only thing I get problems with is the DS.

I'll give the cache clearing a try... though that means venturing into the *gulp* spare room... (where my 360 is located, as it's the only room outside of mine and the lounge with a screen worth playing on... my brother's inhabited the room, it's become real dingy).

Reasonable said:
Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.

I own The Orange Box for PC AND for 360. I can tell you that you should better shut up.

Just look at the Metacritic score. Nuff said

Why do you have both versions? Particularly when (although the 360 is good) the PC version remains miles ahead.

1. Achievements (in every game)

2. My computer had some problems with Episode 2

3. Xbox LIVE friends

4. great games and I'm proud to own Valve games

5. I love playing games with a controller (cause I'm damn good with that)

SamuelRSmith said:
^Hehe, I'm a lefty, too. The only thing I get problems with is the DS.

I'll give the cache clearing a try... though that means venturing into the *gulp* spare room... (where my 360 is located, as it's the only room outside of mine and the lounge with a screen worth playing on... my brother's inhabited the room, it's become real dingy).


DS games are always the worst.  Even ones that specifically accommodate to lefties can still be awkward (I'm looking at you Geometry Wars).