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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would happen in the console war if the PS3 got discontinued?

Some of you will obviously disagree, but there's a chance (perhaps not a big one, but a chance nevertheless) the PS3 may get discontinued before this console generation ends. There has been plenty of discussion about that, so if you want to discuss the chances of that happening please do so in another thread such as this one or this one.

In the event it happened, how would the console war unfold? Many of us agree that the console war is largely HD consoles vs Wii right now.

Would 3rd parties attempt to flock to the Wii? Would this create a crash in the videogames industry? Or, instead, would 360 sales increase massively getting it closer to the Wii in terms of userbase size? I'm sure there are more possibilities.



My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Why in the world would the PS3 be discontinued ? I think you mean the "PS2", and this is something that will definitelly happen by the end of this gen.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

el_rika said:
Why in the world would the PS3 be discontinued ? I think you mean the "PS2", and this is something that will definitelly happen by the end of this gen.

That's precisely the sort of stuff you would discuss in one of the threads I linked to. Not here please.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Fisrt off, 360's sales will increase as will Wii's(not by much though)also about Wii I'm mostly refferring to Japan increase.
As for 3rd parties,I think they will start to develope many more game for Wii since it will have a much bigger userbase then 360,but 360 will still continue to get very good support because of how much software it sells.
This ofcourse is "if" PS3 got discontinued.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

IMO If it happened then i'd find video games less appealing because I love Sony's overall variety of games. Like you can define an Xbox360 as a console full of shooters, and define a Wii as a console for fun parties / kids but Ive yet found what to define the PS3 because its library is more versitile. Again this is just my opinion as how I depic these consoles so i hope nobody will try to argue against ones opinion.

But to have the PS3 discontinued will not likely happen because its Sony's largest blu-ray player also. If Nintendo gamecube survived then the PS3 can easily.

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Basically, the Wii would be kicking even more ass then it is now. Fortunately, PS3 won't be discontinued until the end of the gen.

I think Hiroshi Yamauchi will laugh himself to death.


This might be a good news to most of hardcore gamers that we can play all games by having one Awesome console.(xbox)

360 sales would go through the roof and be comparable with Wii sales.

I think 360 would see a moderate boost (of course) but I suspect Wii would too and essentially 360 would end up a long way south of Wii.

Ms would be able to save a lot money though, as in my view they're paying through the nose to gain a modest increase from XBOX level sales due to having to compete so fiercely with PS3.

But it doubt Sony would drop PS3. If nothing else they need it as line through to number 4. To drop PS3 would be to drop out of home video entertainment and I don't think Sony can do that as a company.

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