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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft's Xbox 360 Surges Ahead of the Competition

Microsoft (MSFT) Xbox 360:

  • Elegant design enabling it to be sold at the lowest price point.
  • The biggest and best catalogue of games. More than the other two machines put together.
  • Xbox Live, by far the biggest and best online gaming portal.
  • Rampant piracy makes games free for those who are happy to steal.

And of course the market responds to these USPs. Sony convincingly won the last round of the game console war with PS2. This generation, with PS3, they are coming convincingly third and last. Despite all the analysts predicting otherwise. Obviously the analysts weren’t looking at the USPs.

So now we are in the biggest selling season at the critical mid cycle phase when the meat of all console sales are made. And Microsoft are making hay with the 360.

  • In Italy and the UK (both big Sony strongholds), the 360 now outsells the PS3 two for one.
  • In America too the 360 is selling twice as fast as the PS3.
  • Some weeks the 360 is even outselling the PS3 in Japan.
  • 7 million 360s sold in European territory. 2 million since June as sales ramped up.
  • 360 sales to date now ahead of lifetime sales of the original Xbox. Well before 360 sales reach their peak.

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Hey...! Bruce on games..! 360 can outsell Wii guy!

So they're pretending the Wii doesn't exist then are they.

That kind of thing is just bizarre to me.

Yeah! it's Bruce!!! Always funny!! Always making me smile even in the cold weather of today! Thabks Bruce!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

did u hear that lowest price point cuz of the elegant design?? all i need is some cable....hard drive...wireless internet connection..WTF...this costs more than the wii...costs the same as ps3...omg i've been ripped off...

WAT online fees???...OMG that's another controller....HSDIOFHOHFOWEHFL:SDHFLKJh

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When this gen is over and we move into the next one in like 5 years time or so, i think we will look back and say' that because the 360 was 2-1 in UK and NA the war was lost there for PS3 really. The UK is a beast of a market now and i think for the PS3 to stand a chance it really has to win one of those markets this holiday. If that news piece about the 360 selling 3-1 last week in UK is true i think it will be very difficult for Sony. Basically i feel Microsoft now can only lose it themselves. Christmas 2008 will settle who comes 2nd and 3rd if these figures remain the same.

lanjiaona said:

Microsoft (MSFT) Xbox 360:

  • Elegant design enabling it to be sold at the lowest price point. Wow, that's the only time the 360 will ever be described as elegant, anyway, the price drops have done well for them, but if Ninty need to drop the price they can, the Wii was sold at profit day 1
  • The biggest and best catalogue of games. More than the other two machines put together. Best is subjective, infact, apparently so is biggest. VGChartz has 502 games listed under 360. 718 listed under Wii and 367 for the PS3
  • Xbox Live, by far the biggest and best online console gaming portal.
  • Rampant piracy killed the Dreamcast and the PSP


So now we are in the biggest selling season at the critical middle of the 360's cycle, (the Wii and PS3 have not reached this middle yet) when the meat of all console sales are made. And Microsoft are selling reasonable amounts of 360s.

  • In Italy and the UK (both big Sony strongholds), I cherry picked data so that it appears that the 360 now outsells the PS3 two for one.
  • In America too I cherry picked data so that it appears that the 360 is selling twice as fast as the PS3.
  • Some weeks the 360 is even outselling the PS3 in Japan. Correctus
  • 7 million 360s sold in European territory. 2 million since June as sales ramped up.
  • 360 sales to date still below of lifetime sales of the original Xbox. 2 weeks before 360 sales reach their peak. (Black Friday 2008 will be 'the peak', the 360 may have outshipped the xbox, but it certainly has not outsold it)


Sorry champ

Khuutra said:
So they're pretending the Wii doesn't exist then are they.

That kind of thing is just bizarre to me.

Not completely.  He admitted that the PS3 is in third place, meaning there's another console in the mix.  He just conveniently leaves out that most weeks, it's outselling the other two combined.


Bruce on Games ... What a hoot!

For those who don't remember/know -- Bruce used to post here but got called on his "analysis" too many times and could not take it any more.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


KLucifer said:
did u hear that lowest price point cuz of the elegant design?? all i need is some cable....hard drive...wireless internet connection..WTF...this costs more than the wii...costs the same as ps3...omg i've been ripped off...

WAT online fees???...OMG that's another controller....HSDIOFHOHFOWEHFL:SDHFLKJh

What?!  You don't "need" a hard drive to enjoy most games?  WHAT!? Barely anyone uses wireless internet for a stationary gaming console and wired suits more people with PS3's than Wireless does?!  What?!  PS3's don't come with HD cables out of the box, and the 360 supports 1080p out of the box with the HD component cables!?!?  What, if I want a hard drive, I can get one for $20!?!?!  What!?  This costs less than the Wii and half that of the PS3!!!!  OMG the PS3 is a rip off!!!


What?!  I pay a measely $40 a year for a great service rather than get a free, but very laggy and unreliable PSN?!?!?!!  I don't "have" to buy an HDMI cable to enjoy HD on the 360!?!?  Wow, that saves me enough for another controller!!


I mean seriously, if you're gonna subdue your urge of rampant fanboyism, at least try to spell correctly.  I mean give me a CHSLKHTOWKDJTSOKJ!!!!!!!!