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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I CAN'T PICK!!!

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed
2. Castlevania Judgment

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board)

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)

5. Skate It

6. Mushroom Men

7. Deadly Creatures

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour


HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most

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Not sure if my tastes are the same as yours, but if I were you, I'd go with Castlevania: Judgment and Sonic Unleashed.

noname2200 said:




IF i get them all, im broke. BTW, my bro wants TOS, so I could just play his copy.

I can personally vouch for CoD:WaW as it's the only one of those games listed I've played.

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blackbird3216 said:
noname2200 said:




IF i get them all, im broke. BTW, my bro wants TOS, so I could just play his copy.

Just joshing ya, and your thread title.

Seriously though, Call of Duty won't disappoint, and Guitar Hero's still fun.

Shaun White and Skate It are both good games, but are better with a balance board.

Deadly Creatures got bumped to next year.

Mushroom Men...I'm not sold on the gameplay.

Judgment seems to be primarily aimed at big-time Castlevania fans.

And Unleashed is fun...for half the game. Night sequence=no bueno.


You don't need to be 18 to buy M-rated games--17, my friend.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I'm assuming Wii is your primary console

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed- Looks very nice. GET IT!
2. Castlevania Judgment- unless you are a big fan of the series, pass

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board)- pass until you get balance board, then pick up for cheap

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)- pass or ask your parents to buy it as a present for you

5. Skate It- spinoff, might be ok but not full price. buy used next summer

6. Mushroom Men- looks terrible imo, also its getting bad reviews

7. Deadly Creatures- looks like crap imo

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour- get Guitar Hero, play with your friends and have fun :)

HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most

Hawkeye said:
I'm assuming Wii is your primary console

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed- Looks very nice. GET IT!
2. Castlevania Judgment- unless you are a big fan of the series, pass

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board)- pass until you get balance board, then pick up for cheap

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)- pass or ask your parents to buy it as a present for you

5. Skate It- spinoff, might be ok but not full price. buy used next summer

6. Mushroom Men- looks terrible imo, also its getting bad reviews

7. Deadly Creatures- looks like crap imo

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour- get Guitar Hero, play with your friends and have fun :)

HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most

can you show me the bad review you are talking about please? it has 83% in gamerankings, hardly terrible


Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

GH world tour or Rock band. That was easy.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

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