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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I've figured out why RolStoppable hates Animal Crossing

Oh cum on stop attacking rol

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Lets just say ROLStoppable knows what he likes.

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SmokedHostage said:

There hasn't been a  "I've figured out" thread in a while.  I hope they're not banned, if so I apologize.

We all know RolStoppable's life revolves around the Wii and DS but why doesn't he like Animal Crossing?  I've come to believe that it's because contradicts his lifestyle.  RolStoppable has a primarily sedentary lifestyle that can be summed up by VGChartz visits, Wii and DS playtime and roaming in his parents' basement.  Animal Crossing on the other hand, emphasizes going outside and embracing what your village/hometown has to offer.  I fear that playing Animal Crossing might remind him of what life has to offer and that there's a world outside the walls of his lonely basement.

It makes perfect sense. 


But in the gc version at least you can upgrade your house to buy a basement, and then buy NES games and play them


Rol should be all over it

nintendo_fanboy said:
Because austrians sometimes lock their children or other kids in their basements...

The thread was amusing until I read this.


Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

well i'm sorry, but I really couldn't resist making that joke...

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

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nintendo_fanboy said:
well i'm sorry, but I really couldn't resist making that joke...

I didn't think that someone getting trapped, raped and impregnated by their father for years on end made for a very good joke.


Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

BoleroOfFire said:
nintendo_fanboy said:
well i'm sorry, but I really couldn't resist making that joke...

I didn't think that someone getting trapped, raped and impregnated by their father for years on end made for a very good joke.



4chan and ED says hello.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


ich cha notürlich scho schribe dases gemein isch am rol ständig z'sage daser im chäller vo sine eltere läbt und das, obwohl är öschtricher isch, aber denn hätti jo genau s'gliche gschribe wie vorher, es hätts eifach niemer verstande und drum wärs nur halb so luschtig gsi...

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

RolStoppable said:

I agree, instead he should just have written something in Schwitzerdütsch. That would have been amusing even though nobody would have been able to understand it.

I guess.  But that would have started another scramble to find online dictionaries lol.

Also, don't talk to me you item thief! 


Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

nintendo_fanboy said:
ich cha notürlich scho schribe dases gemein isch am rol ständig z'sage daser im chäller vo sine eltere läbt und das, obwohl är öschtricher isch, aber denn hätti jo genau s'gliche gschribe wie vorher, es hätts eifach niemer verstande und drum wärs nur halb so luschtig gsi...

So true.

Vorher hätti notürlich so luschtig.

No, I'm just kidding. eifach niemer verstande (that means "I something (I hope niemer means not, negative or something) understand, right?)

Ooh, I made a parantesis inside a parantesis :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS