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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who is the greatest video game character of all time?

Jeff from Earthbound I think would be my vote. (hope that's his name, I always named him something, but he was the scientist dude who made bottle rockets)


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Solid Snake for is depth complexity(And is very cool too),Naked Snake(Big Boss) is near too,Mario for his importance on the gaming industry(And is cool too) and Squall & Rinoa(because I like their love history and they're cool)

I have to give it to Kirby....

Former something....

This guy:

JaggedSac said:

This guy:


 I forgot about Larry.

Also, sweet Noddy avatar.

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Samus Aran...

And for those telling that Mario is not a great character, you need to play:

Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Paper Mario (this game not so much)
Mario and Lugi GBA
Mario and Luigi DS

With those games, you can see how big, imaginative and deep is the Mushroom Kingdom and the characters. I love the way Mario is a very famous celebrity in the Mushroom Kingdom, very well know for his moustache and jumps...

Some of you really needs to play those games. Mario character has a lot of deep. Is not only Kart, Sports and platformers.

Nathan Drake, he is just pure awesomeness

mario! everyone knows who he is.

Tifa Lockhart, Kratos or the L shaped tetris block :P


Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99