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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who is the greatest video game character of all time?

Mario is more like well-known rather than a great character so I must disagree on that one. Being one of the best-known characters is no small feat either, though otherwise he's pretty boring.

I'd really like my answer to be Solid Snake but I'm afraid I can't say that. He's an excellent character in pretty much every aspect but... Nah, nevermind; I guess he's the best one I can say here. He's one of the best characters ever. Period.

Oh, I think I might actually add Revolver Ocelot to Snake's company here. Everyone who's played the games probably knows what I'm talking about. His character has surprisingly much depth. Besides, I like his voice actor. I like Snake's as well but Ocelot's isn't given enough credit so I must mention it here.

Well, I might actually give some credit to B.J. Blazkowicz from the Wolfenstein series. That guy isn't very special either, but he's one of my favourite 'super soldiers' in games. He simply kicks ass. The Doom guy would be another but he's changed too much to be called the same character.

Oh, and Auron is somehow a very good character too. He's nothing too special but he's done perfectly. He's cool.

Still, I guess Snake is the closest to being my actual answer here. I'm sure there are even better characters out there but definitely Mario is not one of them. Sorry, Mario fans, but he doesn't exactly kick ass or have much depth. His greatest merit is being so well known.

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Kirby is the greatest

I say Duke Nukem! he was the man




Either Solid Snake, Cloud Strife or Kefka...

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Travis Touchdown.

Then Dante.

I drink your milkshake.

1. Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza
2. Solid Snake
3. Link
4. Sephiroth from FFVII
5. Mario

Systems owned: PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP N64 Wii iPhone

For me it's a tie between Link and Guybrush Threepwood.

Travis Touchdown is perhaps the best character to come out of this generation so far.
Although I do want to see more of his half-brother Henry

Mario kind of has to win the "of all time" crown though.

Either mario or link