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Forums - Gaming Discussion - if all the systems were the same price which one would sell the most?

I think PS3 because then you get a gaming system and blu ray player for the same price as wii which is just a game player and 360 which is games and DVD

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Kantor said:
mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"

So what you're saying is that the PS3 is a Porsche, and the Wii is a Kia. Hmm

By the way, LOL at your 2008 predictions.


I made my predictions 6 months before you even became a VGC member. Your point?


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I say the SONY Playstation 3 Computer Entertainment System

4 ≈ One

What if people actually made realistic what if scenarios?

I actually addressed this 14 months ago.


Note: This is not an invitation to necro-bump, so don't.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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mrstickball said:
Kantor said:
mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"

So what you're saying is that the PS3 is a Porsche, and the Wii is a Kia. Hmm

By the way, LOL at your 2008 predictions.


I made my predictions 6 months before you even became a VGC member. Your point?


I applaud you on not changing those.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Xbox 360 for sure. Microsoft is everything. Plus MS awesome strategy ,Halo 12... Gears 12...

Wii still, although the PS3 would be ahead of the 360

Please..Do people actually think that the Blue Ray disc player will actually make any difference in sales? No it won't. I'm getting sick of this post too.


Old Brawl code..ask for my new one..

Bloo! said:
Please..Do people actually think that the Blue Ray disc player will actually make any difference in sales? No it won't. I'm getting sick of this post too.

I am allowed to have a ps3 because it has a Blue Ray player.

if not my parents won't allow me to have a game console at home =="