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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is anyone else "gamed" out?

To be honest, I generally feel this way in regard to X360 games... But not Wii-games. I have no idea why, but I guess after all, HD gaming just isn't my path.

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I still have the desire but unfortunately not enough time (damn college). For that reason most of my games are unfinished.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Not really, I just completed Gears for the second time in two weeks, and I am looking in forward to CoD WaW, which I will be picking up in a few weeks. Achievements and trophies have given me the extra surge needed, and online MP is normally great {not when I have to wait 20 mins to get in a game!}

However, I am tired of combat, I just want a nice relaxing game, and I hope PoP proves to be that game with little combat, and over christmas I will try and take a break from shooters, for a short while apart from a bit of R2, I need to save myself for Killzone 2 in Feb!

No. Im beyond poor. Games are limitless for me because the time it takes me to get a new games is LONG

I'm a little bored with consoles rigth now.

rigth now im playing old pc games (Ijust got a pc a year ago) and 8bit games I didn't finish.

My definition of fanboy: An idiot that misses 2/3 of the fun.

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man I was gamed out on the wii, It was just sitting there for 100 days, and I know it was 100 days because wii fit told me! any way after I got wii fit out for a few minutes and then it was back to collect dust (I left my wii for my new PC graphics card) and now I'm hooked on HD gaming. I got a 360 last week and everything is fresh and new and I'm so bored of the wii. I never thought I'd say it but the wii really doesnt offer that in game world depth that the higher powered systems offer. I used to think, I would never give up motion controles for better graphics, and I didnt think I even needed better graphics but the truth is, a beautifuly rendered world draws me into a game much more then being able to wiggle my remotes lol. Microsoft has given me a nice refreshing experience and its back to spending hours on the couch! It feels like Ive had a nice refreshing gatorade during half time!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Here's the problem. You're assuming you have to play games when they come out. SCREW NEW RELEASES!

You know what I'm about to play right now? Eternal Darkness. Damn that game is amazing. And the fact that it was last gen doesn't make it any less amazinger. Take your time, enjoy your games. Just play what you want when you want and you'll eventually get around to the games that are coming out now. Better yet, by not trying to play every big game that comes out, time will filter out the ones that weren't really that great anyways.

Play old stuff, you'll thank yourself for it.

After Eternal Darkness comes Vectorman!

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

yeah! bring on the viva pinata! that game rocks! only started playing the other day but when I got it I put down Assassins Creed (half way though) to start playing! and I can see myself playing only that game for at least the next few weeks! And that games gotta be at least over a year old! considering I got it first hand for $20Aus from target WITH Forza motorsports 2 ($10 each!)

Thats why I'm ditching the wii, its to expensive and gives you know where near the experience of a HD console.

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

When your stack of unplayed or unopened games gets too high, it feels more like homework than fun to actually play them.

So stop buying so many damn games all you freaks.

Well save your games for next year guys lol. Seriously, from january to march, there won't be a lot of releases so...