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man I was gamed out on the wii, It was just sitting there for 100 days, and I know it was 100 days because wii fit told me! any way after I got wii fit out for a few minutes and then it was back to collect dust (I left my wii for my new PC graphics card) and now I'm hooked on HD gaming. I got a 360 last week and everything is fresh and new and I'm so bored of the wii. I never thought I'd say it but the wii really doesnt offer that in game world depth that the higher powered systems offer. I used to think, I would never give up motion controles for better graphics, and I didnt think I even needed better graphics but the truth is, a beautifuly rendered world draws me into a game much more then being able to wiggle my remotes lol. Microsoft has given me a nice refreshing experience and its back to spending hours on the couch! It feels like Ive had a nice refreshing gatorade during half time!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail