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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Last Renmant got 6.5 at Gamespot...

The Last Remnant Review

Technical flaws mar, but don't totally destroy, this long and fascinating role-playing game.

The Good

  • A long, epic tale in a fascinating new fantasy world  
  • Fun, uniquely strategic battle system  
  • Gorgeous musical score  
  • Beautiful art design.

The Bad

  • Abysmal frame-rate problems  
  • Awful texture pop-in  
  • Combat mechanics can be obtuse  
  • Losing a long battle means having to repeat huge chunks of gameplay.

It got 4 good sings,and 4 bad sings...

Critic score has it 6.5

And hey,Famitsu gave it 38/40.
Come on...
As I have suspected,if someone pays them they give it high score..
Go Microsoft.

So another bad hyped Jprg..



Take my love, take my land..

Around the Network

Texture pop-in? abysmal framerate? those hit the game hard... why the hell are they using the UE3 anyway? WHY?!

They couldn't make it with crystal tools?

i think its better to wait and see other reviews.. sometimes gamespot put silly reasons for bad score.

Xen said:
Texture pop-in? abysmal framerate? those hit the game hard... why the hell are they using the UE3 anyway? WHY?!

They couldn't make it with crystal tools?


It would take TLR additional 2-3 years of development to be made with Crystal Tools. And since it is a new IP it just doesnt worth it. UE3 was a good way to make a new IP game - it isnt difficult to work with and it looks pretty good.

I read the review, they said the game itself is fantastic, but that the performance is absolutely abysmal. I hope that they'll fix that for the PC version, which is the one I'll play, because the game looks really good, it's a shame it has so many technical problems

Around the Network

Maybe both PS3 and 360 versions needed to be delayed into 2009, but Microsoft paid for SE to release it this year.

Hopefully they fix the PS3 version with the extra time they have. The game looks amazing.

Rei said:
Xen said:
Texture pop-in? abysmal framerate? those hit the game hard... why the hell are they using the UE3 anyway? WHY?!

They couldn't make it with crystal tools?


It would take TLR additional 2-3 years of development to be made with Crystal Tools. And since it is a new IP it just doesnt worth it. UE3 was a good way to make a new IP game - it isnt difficult to work with and it looks pretty good.

It is. In the hands of Epic.

Hopefully the PS3 version is not bound by the chains of chuggy framerate.


NNN2004 said:

i think its better to wait and see other reviews.. sometimes gamespot put silly reasons for bad score.

A bad case of chuggy framerate and pop-in =/= bad reasons. They could ruin the whole experience.


Here's hoping that the PS3 version of the game (whenever that may be) gets all these issues sorted as shame on you SE for releasing a game if it is as bad as Gamespot say it is...

The Squaresoft/Square-Enix that we once knew and loved seems to have withered away as of late

I think that's the fourth below 7/10 review I've seen. All seem to agree on poor technical elements and some poor gameplay elements as the core issue.

Unless Western reviews trends swing up soon this game is only heading for an average/good set of reviews.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...