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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do thirdparties dislike Nintendo?

No I never said conspiracy, im just wondering if they've released the tools they use to calibrate the game for the Wiimote. There are so many games which come out with terrible controls and it makes me wonder if they have a part in it.

I also believe that making the Wii less powerful they make development more and not less expensive. If standalone games cost 1/3rd of HD games and had the Wii been as powerful as the other systems it could have taken a third of the development cost so really you could say its more expensive or as expensive to develop on the Wii compared to a hypothetical more powerful version when you consider pretty much all software is multiplatform anyway.


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Well of course they hate Nintendo. When you were at school didn't you hate they guy that was top of the class, the best athlete, had great looks and got all the girls? Nintendo is top publisher week after week while still producing a hand held and console which sell tons and at a profit. Which competitor wouldn't hate that.

But business is business so that jealousy doesn't explain why they won't make good games on the Wii if that will bring them money.

Well problem is 3rd parties aren't that talented and they realise it. They fear their games have no chance against Nintendo games not because Nintendo owners will only buy Nintendo games irrespective of quality but because they fear (or rather they realise) the games they are capable of making on Wii are just not good enough. With the Wii they have to be creative with the gameplay and Wii remote use. With the PS360 they don't have that problem. They can just release the same game year after year with either prettier graphics or updated team/player rosters.

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Oh okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah, so many shitty Wii games come out that I can see why you'd assume that. But I also think tons of shitty games come out for the PS3, 360, PS2, XBox, and GCube, and every other console for that matter. I think the only reason the Wii gets this kind of "shovelware spotlight" is because it has a new controller and it's really convenient for the shitty developers to blame the new controls and/or the new market that the controls bring in. All consoles have shitty games, and most games are shitty. It was even like that on the NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2.

But sorry for accusing you of believing a wacky conspiracy theory. It just seems that I have the exact opposite opinion you do.

@Rubang: Actually i was thinking about the fact, that Nintendo designs the hardware for the software on the system. But, indeed, Nintendo is concerned about the costs associated, so their interest is in the cheap cost of developement.

@Squiliam: The multiplatform strategy wouldn't be important, if PS3 hadn't failed. If PS3 would have performed up to expectations, the "multiplatform strategy" would have been "PS3 exclusive strategy".
With the same logic you can put the blame for any of the three manufacturers. Without DirectX and requirement for HD, you'd have very cheap Wii->360 ports. Without Cell, 360->PS3 ports would be cheaper etc. Or you could blame Sony and M$ for not selling more consoles than Nintendo, which would make porting games for Wii irrelevant.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Oh okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah, so many shitty Wii games come out that I can see why you'd assume that. But I also think tons of shitty games come out for the PS3, 360, PS2, XBox, and GCube, and everything else for that console. I think the only reason the Wii gets this kind of "shovelware spotlight" is because it has a new controller and it's really convenient for the shitty developers to blame the new controls and the new market that the controls bring in. All consoles have shitty games, and most games are shitty. It was even like that on the NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2.

But sorry for accusing you of believing a wacky conspiracy theory. It just seems that I have the exact opposite opinion you do.

Its cool. Its a frustration to me as well.

I too am a Wii owner, third parties for the most part just never seem to get the controls to work like Nintendo does.



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Squilliam I need you to tell me if you're serious.

A reply would take up a lot of energy and I don't want to waste it.

bdbdbd: Well, I like to think they're trying to some degree. Maybe not hard enough.

It finally comes down to motion control, nothing else.
Third parties have spent two generations honing and perfecting the type of controls they felt is going to last forever, and Nintendo went and changed the rules. The result is one of to things
a) They want(ed) motion controls to pass over like a fad, so that they can stick to their old methods
b)They just arent good enough at implementing the new controls as compared to Nintendo( which is ok, since Ninty must've had this in mind for some time now)

In both cases, i have to say its just a matter of time, as no sane developer can overlook a console with 50% marketshare. Theyll get better with time.

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

Khuutra said:
Squilliam I need you to tell me if you're serious.

A reply would take up a lot of energy and I don't want to waste it.

bdbdbd: Well, I like to think they're trying to some degree. Maybe not hard enough.

Serious, yes.



Squilliam said:
Khuutra said:
Squilliam I need you to tell me if you're serious.

A reply would take up a lot of energy and I don't want to waste it.

bdbdbd: Well, I like to think they're trying to some degree. Maybe not hard enough.

Serious, yes.



All right.

Here goes:

...Why in the world do you think that a less powerful system is necessarily less developer-friendly? Does working with an achitecture so similar to the Gamecube really make it that difficult to put effort behind a game?

Perhaps the better question is this:

Why is return on effort measured on a technological scale? The Wii has gameplay options that the other two consoles simply don't have: can't return on effot just be the realization of gameplay that couldn't be done otherwise?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.

Uhhh....Mario? Zelda? Metroid? Discounting Final Fantasy because in actuality, each installation is a legitimately separate game, but the "MAJOR SEQUELS" of which you speak on the PS3/360 are at 4, maybe 5 for each series. Mario Galaxy is proabaly like Super Mario World 20 or something like that if ti were given a number.

And if you want to talk about bringing in fresh IPs and such, go play LBP or maybe some XBLA or PSN games