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And the pendulum swings again. Threads like this were being made about the 360 a few months ago.

Just chill, the 360 and the ps3 will keep playing trading places the rest of the gen and by the end it'll be a virtual tie.

If you care about your HD games it's not the breakdown between ps3 and 360 that should bother you, but rather the wii not crossing the 50% treshold.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Bitmap Frogs said:
And the pendulum swings again. Threads like this were being made about the 360 a few months ago.

Just chill, the 360 and the ps3 will keep playing trading places the rest of the gen and by the end it'll be a virtual tie.

If you care about your HD games it's not the breakdown between ps3 and 360 that should bother you, but rather the wii not crossing the 50% treshold.

That is *insert Agent Smith here* inevitable though.



Wait a minute.. THATS NOT GOW!

I know one though... *Smiles*..........

TH1S 1S DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!! *Kicks Down Into Pit*

DAMNIT i FAILED AGAIN!......What are you all looking at?


Snake: .......Metal Gear?


Snake: Dude you gotta stop that.

Otacon: Its Sunnys eggs man theyre drivin me mad!

Worldwide yes. America(s) no.

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"

ruibing said:
Worldwide yes. America(s) no.

Or is it the other way around?

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Its over for the PS3. People are just dreaming if they believe it will make up the 6m worldwide gap (7m in NA). That is just to much. Its image is awful and this is what has hurt it. No game coming for it will spark the sales needed. Nothing is more popular then the games the console has had for it in 2008. Total and complete fantasy that it will go on to sell as much as people believe. The problem with the PS3 is when Sony go cheaper MS will go cheaper. Japan right now seem more wanting to accept the 360 then rush out and buy the PS3 which we all thought they would. If things stay as they are now the gap could increase by a lot more. The question then is what the gap will be after the holidays. If it is near to 7m worldwide it is over. PS3 needs a miracle as it has historical statistics against it. Its year over year sales have plunged since about July.

Aldro said:


Wait a minute.. THATS NOT GOW!

I know one though... *Smiles*..........

TH1S 1S DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!! *Kicks Down Into Pit*

DAMNIT i FAILED AGAIN!......What are you all looking at?


Snake: .......Metal Gear?


Snake: Dude you gotta stop that.

Otacon: Its Sunnys eggs man theyre drivin me mad!

I think you're looking for 'The End Begins'

Glad to be of service.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

considering the fact that ps2 sold over 140 million compare to xbox's 28 million last gen, and sony is only behind overall 6 million copies they still have time, and more than enough consumers without either system to make a serious comeback.

the new xbox experience is higly overrated and you have to be a complete retard if you brought xbox just for that. the avatars are the exact same thing as the wii's mii's, if thats the case i guess nintendo should advertise their mii's, even though both look like shit

all sony needs to do is to release and advertise Playstation Home, that will sell consoles

the ps3 sales i believe will increase in december period due to little big planet being more of a present choice rather than an instant seller like gears 2, however the price cut of the 360 has made it very difficult for gamers justifying buying a ps3 especially since blu ray players are now less than 200 pounds with 6 free movies well thats the deal in block buster

FPSrules said:
considering the fact that ps2 sold over 140 million compare to xbox's 28 million last gen, and sony is only behind overall 6 million copies they still have time, and more than enough consumers without either system to make a serious comeback.

the new xbox experience is higly overrated and you have to be a complete retard if you brought xbox just for that. the avatars are the exact same thing as the wii's mii's, if thats the case i guess nintendo should advertise their mii's, even though both look like shit

all sony needs to do is to release and advertise Playstation Home, that will sell consoles

First of all, the PS2 is at about 130 million, not 140 million (the Sony exec who stated it made a mistake)

Secondly, the Xbox just barely passed 25 million, so has not, and will not reach 28 million.

Thirdly, you seem to be insinuating that of the (130 + 25 = 155) 155 million XB/PS2 users last gen, all of them are going to move to PS360 this gen. This is clearly not what has been happening..... the vast majority of XB users have, or will move to X360, the PS2 users are split, but not evenly.... a few are clearly going to X360, and a few are going to the PS3... but most are moving to the Wii along with most GC users.

I also have to cringe at your odd statement that Home will somehow sell lots of PS3s, yet the equivalent for X360 won't... because that is the stupidest thing I have heard in a while.