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Its over for the PS3. People are just dreaming if they believe it will make up the 6m worldwide gap (7m in NA). That is just to much. Its image is awful and this is what has hurt it. No game coming for it will spark the sales needed. Nothing is more popular then the games the console has had for it in 2008. Total and complete fantasy that it will go on to sell as much as people believe. The problem with the PS3 is when Sony go cheaper MS will go cheaper. Japan right now seem more wanting to accept the 360 then rush out and buy the PS3 which we all thought they would. If things stay as they are now the gap could increase by a lot more. The question then is what the gap will be after the holidays. If it is near to 7m worldwide it is over. PS3 needs a miracle as it has historical statistics against it. Its year over year sales have plunged since about July.