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What is on this thread.... delusions: check.... talking about titties: check... someone posting something about the Wii already winning: check

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And “when X game comes out the PS3 will get back up there” continues and will do so even when the next gen systems are out :P

When the PS3 is less than 50$ then it will sell lol no seriously they need a price drop. Do it Sony kill yourself with a price drop. If you love your fans let them go…:P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Ronster316 said:
Sardauk said:
Kantor said:
Ronster316 said:
@ Kantor

Confusion can lead to chaos, which in turn can lead to rebellion and anarchy...... Let the chaos begin

In the end... there will be only CHAOS!

That's another reason why the PS3 will come back in 2009.


I didn't realized that the return of Kratos would be so important to the gaming nation....

So... this messia would have the difficult task to .. what... sells 3 times more than MGS4 ?

Any Sony console i get and any sony games i get are all 2nd hand and bought with traded games

I for one will not be adding to the sales figures of God of war 3 (I will get the game no doubt)

I'm stubborn in my ways and Sony aint getting a penny out of me.

I'm sure God of war 3 will sell very well though and will undoubtedly be a fantastic game.




but fanboys are putting too much faith in this game. I mean the series never had a Halo level of success so I dont understand these claims that itll give PS3 hardware a major long lasting boost.

As long as the JPN don't embrace the Xbox brand, Microsoft will never beat Sony (or at least not comprehensively) in worldwide sales over the life span of the system. Japan is a huge market and not even a million 360's have been sold there. But I believe Microsoft is doing the right thing by getting big name JPN games coming out for the 360. Gears 2 and all just don't cut it for the JPN.

Dinomax said:


Look real hard at this picture.  Its not going to change.

Wait is the fightback about PS3 and Wii?  If so then that is delutional beyond belief.  I thought the thread was about whether the PS3 could fightback against 360.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


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God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2, FFXIII and add a 100$ pricecut... for me its not a question of "will?" but rather a "when?" and Im pretty certain that we might see the PS3 in lead of HD consoles at the beginning of 2010... but then all could go down the shitters and Sony just walk out of the console market... but I doubt that will happen :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

stovo said:

This year PS3 has been outsold by the Wii and DS by a wide margin, however it has usually been outselling the 360 throughout 2008. This now has changed with360 price cuts and new online service for 360, and now 360 is outselling PS3, so can Sony pull of a miracle and fight back?


theres no miracle fightback to be had, 360 is on 3rd year and ps3 2nd years, theres plenty more years left this gen.

all sony need to do is get ps3 to mass market price and nothing else, its had argubly the best games this year, and next year looks even bette so its not about a matter of games its just the initial price point.

£229 - £249 ps3 is more than enough to outsell 360 by massive margins.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Badassbab said:
As long as the JPN don't embrace the Xbox brand, Microsoft will never beat Sony (or at least not comprehensively) in worldwide sales over the life span of the system. Japan is a huge amrket and not even a million 360's have been sold there. But I believe Microsoft is doing the right thing by getting big name JPN games coming out for the 360. Gears 2 and all just don't cut it for the JPN.


Your ignorance astounds me. Japan accounts for just over 13% of this generations global console market. Further more last weeks numbers clearly show that Japan accounted for all of 5% of global console sales. The market in Japan is not even remotely big, and more to the point it is almost entirely irrelevant.

I got the feeling that 360 will sale more consoles than ps3 in japan at the end of this gen.

tuoyo said:
Dinomax said:


Look real hard at this picture.  Its not going to change.

Wait is the fightback about PS3 and Wii?  If so then that is delutional beyond belief.  I thought the thread was about whether the PS3 could fightback against 360.


The thread is about if the PS3 can overtake the 360 yes but also wether it has a chance of winning also

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.