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theRepublic said:
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were great games. I don't think they have been equaled to this day.

The mission objectives added so much to the gameplay that war shooters just don't have. Most FPS these days seems like it is just "kill everyone on your way to this point" and repeat.

It is amazing to me that many modern FPS don't have as many multiplayer options as these games. If they would just copy from these games, it would be a vast improvement in most cases.

I think in terms of console FPSs, Halo has equaled them.

They are great games, and I had a lot of fun with the multiplayer, but I completely disagree.

The single player has no objectives to anything.  It is just kill everything on your way to Point A and the same for Point B, C, etc.  There is virtually no stealth element to the games either.  Nothing to break up the gameplay.  It is basically the same all the way through the game.

The muliplayer is very good, but in my opinion, it is missing all those crazy options that made Goldeneye and Perfect Dark so much fun in the first place.  I can only take so much team deathmatch.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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I posted this over at NeoGAF when asked a similar question:

The thing that Goldeneye had, looking back, was the fact that, at the time, was a revolutionary FPS title on a console. Up to that point, we had utter trash for FPS titles - a few crappy doom ports, Quake, ect.

But Goldeneye was a totally different ball game - It had a ton of stuff no other console FPS had at the time, and had good graphics too.

Above all else, the multiplayer was fantastically revolutionary at the time - At my house, I'd get 2 friends & my brother, and we'd play for hours on end. It was the funnest multiplayer experience I ever had - the dawn of an entirely new gaming experience for so many people.

It was basically the Guitar Hero of the 90's - a casual, social revolution in gaming.

Of course, looking back, the concepts in Goldeneye are so dated, it's not funny. The format is archaic, and we look back with nostalgia not because Goldeneye is the best game made, but because it was the best game made at that time.

The closest FPS I've seen that ignites a similar passion in gamers is Halo.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

personally, i liked the movie and xenia!
and of course, proximity mines !!

that and a well-put together game
well balanced missions/campaigns, multiplayer capability, great cast of characters and silly unlockable cheats

daymm, i just got hooked

plus the timing was really perfect:
switch to SNES to N64 - 3D engine for consoles and RARE being an awesome developer at the time

this is for me, anywayz...


well put.
i wuz tryna say sumtin' similar

heheh.. obviously i couldn't say it better

theRepublic said:
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were great games. I don't think they have been equaled to this day.

The mission objectives added so much to the gameplay that war shooters just don't have. Most FPS these days seems like it is just "kill everyone on your way to this point" and repeat.

It is amazing to me that many modern FPS don't have as many multiplayer options as these games. If they would just copy from these games, it would be a vast improvement in most cases.


What he said. I'm not a fan of FPS mostly because of this issue, but Goldeneye and Perfect Dark "revolutionized" that, and I love them.

Why many games don't have that magic? Maybe because that was the first time (I think) a FPS was made in that way, even the multiplayer was new. After that it was not the same feeling, only a copy.

We can see that even on Perfect Dark, which is a game in all ways superior to Goldeneye, but for many people it wasn't maybe because it Goldeneye plus and nothing completely new.


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Damn this is thread is giving a craving for some Goldeneye multiplayer. I'd also like to say that anyone who picked Oddjob is a coward!

Signature goes here!

thekitchensink said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
The respawn location order isn't randomized. Unless you're standing close to a respawn, the order stays the same. I memorized the order on every single stage, so no matter where my opponents respawned, I'd get some instant headshots, and usually a kill before they even got their weapon. It took all the fun out though, so I only did it once against each of my friends.

I definitely left proximity mines in the toilets. I spent most of my Facility gaming in the toilets. I used every weapon there. I loved using remote mines on that level, and tossing them through the bathroom door and detonating them in the air to try to scare somebody out. I loved using them on the inside of secret doors in the Library or Archives or right behind the walk-through walls of Complex. It guarantees they can't be seen until it's too late.

I remember playing tons of 2 on 2 with Sniper Rifles on Complex as well.


Perfect Dark.  Facility remake.  Standing in the vent with the Farsight.




You are bad and you should feel bad.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


I wish I had played it back then, but I never had N64 or any friends that had Goldeneye.

I played it for the first time this year and it was virtually unplayable. I literally couldn't play it, it was that bad compared to now.

There have been great bond games like Nightfire and Everything or Nothing, but i guess they just weren't as good as Goldeneye

Nightfire is a pretty good game, but something feels "wrong" to me. I'm not sure what.

I never played Everything or Nothing.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Wii U - Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (2010/2017)
Mobile - The Simpson's Tapped Out and Yugioh Duel Links
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

That was my most favorite games on the n64, i played that for hours each day.

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

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