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theRepublic said:
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were great games. I don't think they have been equaled to this day.

The mission objectives added so much to the gameplay that war shooters just don't have. Most FPS these days seems like it is just "kill everyone on your way to this point" and repeat.

It is amazing to me that many modern FPS don't have as many multiplayer options as these games. If they would just copy from these games, it would be a vast improvement in most cases.


What he said. I'm not a fan of FPS mostly because of this issue, but Goldeneye and Perfect Dark "revolutionized" that, and I love them.

Why many games don't have that magic? Maybe because that was the first time (I think) a FPS was made in that way, even the multiplayer was new. After that it was not the same feeling, only a copy.

We can see that even on Perfect Dark, which is a game in all ways superior to Goldeneye, but for many people it wasn't maybe because it Goldeneye plus and nothing completely new.


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