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I think it had some of the greatest FPS level design in the world, right up there with Doom 2, but this time the levels were designed with 4 player games in mind.

Facility, Temple, Complex, Library, Bunker, oh man, just naming them gets me all pumped up.

We used to play tag with throwing knives and invincibility on. I'd be Jaws or the one male scientist who I decided had to be Dr. No. But really, I'd mostly be Xenia.

Around the Network

Facility. Oddjob. Slappers Only. Crouching & Strafing. Combine those, and you got early 1997 haxxorz.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


VonShigsy said:

Facility. Oddjob. Slappers Only. Crouching & Strafing. Combine those, and you got early 1997 haxxorz.

I have a feeling we'd get along just fine.


Basement or Archives.  Health+10.  Rocket launchers only.

Goldeneye 007 is easily my favorite game evar.

'Tis a great experience to play. Why?

The levels
The dialogue
The story (not exactly like the movie, which is good)
The controls
The graphics (back then)
The weapons
The awesome music
007 mode
Replay value
Unlocking cheat codes
Playing with the cheat codes on
Beating everyone I play in multiplayer

And lastly, the things you could only discover by hacking the game or using GameSharks. The Dam's mysterious island, the missing parts of the Silo, and the level hidden away that Rare thought no one would ever find out about... the Citadel.

VonShigsy said:

Facility. Oddjob. Slappers Only. Crouching & Strafing. Combine those, and you got early 1997 haxxorz.

Yeah, especially if the person you're playing against is stupid enough to pick Jaws...

Around the Network

Because Goldeneye was made by Rare, back in the days when they were amazing developers.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

The Ghost of RubangB said:
VonShigsy said:

Facility. Oddjob. Slappers Only. Crouching & Strafing. Combine those, and you got early 1997 haxxorz.

I have a feeling we'd get along just fine.


Basement or Archives.  Health+10.  Rocket launchers only.

Meh i always played licence to kill. And grenade launcher was my big bertha weapon, bouncing them all over the place. Did anyone played with proximity mines in the toilets? We ranked up impossible numbers of kills from the respawns.


"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


The respawn location order isn't randomized. Unless you're standing close to a respawn, the order stays the same. I memorized the order on every single stage, so no matter where my opponents respawned, I'd get some instant headshots, and usually a kill before they even got their weapon. It took all the fun out though, so I only did it once against each of my friends.

I definitely left proximity mines in the toilets. I spent most of my Facility gaming in the toilets. I used every weapon there. I loved using remote mines on that level, and tossing them through the bathroom door and detonating them in the air to try to scare somebody out. I loved using them on the inside of secret doors in the Library or Archives or right behind the walk-through walls of Complex. It guarantees they can't be seen until it's too late.

I remember playing tons of 2 on 2 with Sniper Rifles on Complex as well.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
VonShigsy said:

Facility. Oddjob. Slappers Only. Crouching & Strafing. Combine those, and you got early 1997 haxxorz.

I have a feeling we'd get along just fine.


Basement or Archives.  Health+10.  Rocket launchers only.

Nah. Real men played basement, with one shot kills.


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stof said:
Golden Eye was the premier CONSOLE FPS. Oh sure I preferred Turok, but Turok didn't have multiplayer. Until that point, Console FPS's were just attempts to mimick PC FPS games. Remember Hexen 64? Crap that game was almost unplayable. But Goldeney gave the console it's own FPS identity. Oh sure, Console FPSs only lasted a very short time before Halo brought back the trend of making console shooters as close to PC shooters as possible (the differnece being that this time, it actually did it fairly well), but for that brief time, a Console FPS was it's own fabulous experience.

As for the other bond games not recapturing the magic. That's because Goldeneye was a great GAME. The license was irrelevant.


High-five, my man. High-five. It takes guts to admit that in mixed company, but I share the sentiment.